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SNB Licensure Examinations

Licensure Examinations are part of the process of application for registration/enrolment with SNB.  Foreign trained nurses/midwives are required to sit for the SNB Registered Nurse (RN) and Enrolled Nurse (EN) Licensure Examinations. The examination is designed to evaluate their competency to practise nursing in Singapore.

The SNB Licensure Examination (LE) will be conducted as Computer-Based Testing (CBT) mode w.e.f. 28 November 2024.

About Computer-Based Testing (CBT)

The SNB LE is contracted out to be conducted by Pearson VUE at designated Pearson VUE Test Centers.

HR of the hospital/institution offering you employment will first need to submit an application for SNB Examination via NRS1.5.  HR officers would have information on how to submit these applications. They can contact SNB for more information (if required).

After SNB has assessed your application and authorised you to sit for the LE, you will receive an “Authorisation to Test” (ATT) email from Pearson VUE. Please follow the instructions on the ATT on scheduling a LE date.

More information on the SNB LE conducted via CBT mode by Pearson VUE is available at SNB Landing Page:

You may find frequently asked questions about CBT here.

Venue of Licensure Examinations

Information on the listing of test center locations is available at SNB Landing Page:

About SNB Licensure Examinations

Type of SNB Licensure Examination Information about LE
Registered Nurse Licensure Examination Please click here for more information.
Enrolled Nurse Licensure Examination Please click here for more information.
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