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Transfer of Conditional Registration/ Enrolment

Nurses/midwives on conditional registration/enrolment must make a request to Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) to transfer their registration/enrolment if they wish to change employment or work in a different place of practice.

When requesting for the transfer, you must:

a) have resigned from current employment;

b) have an offer of employment from another healthcare institution;

For those who wish to practise nursing in home care settings, ambulatory settings and welfare homes, you must have at least 2 years of continuous nursing practise (in acute hospitals, community hospitals or nursing homes only) with one employer in Singapore. This 2 years continuous practise must be completed in the last one year to ensure recency of practise.  A 6-months competency assessment on home-care competencies is required and your transfer will only be approved after you have passed this competency assessment with the new institution.

The employing healthcare institution will need to apply for transfer for the nurses/midwives. Please note that the HR must submit the application online with the required documents and fees.

You can only commence practice with the new employer or place of practice after your application for transfer of conditional registration/enrolment has been approved.

Documents required for Application of Nurse Transfer

Employer HRs are required to sight all original documents provided by applicants and ensure that the documents submitted for their applications are indeed true copies of the original.

1   a) Passport or NRIC
     b) Work Pass (if applicable)

2) Cover Letter addressed to SNB from employing institution to state:
     a) the intention to employ the applicant, 
     b) the position offered (e.g. Staff Nurse/ Enrolled Nurse) 
     c) Principal Place of Practice (PoP) where the applicant will be deployed to

3) Nurse/Midwife’s letter of request for transfer

4) Pg 11 to 13 (Declaration) of SNB Application Form (completed and signed)

5) SNB Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment (if issued in hardcopy)

6) Evidence of past employment (employer HR will provide more information on how to submit this)

7) Service gap letter written by nurse/midwife if there is a service gap of more than 1 year from the last nursing/midwifery employment (if applicable).

    i) For any documents submitted:
          (a) Direct colour-scanned documents of at least 300 dpi are preferred.  Grayscale copies (at least 300 dpi) are also acceptable.  

          (b) Copies of documents submitted must be clear and all pages of documents must be seen and not cropped. 

    ii) Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by a certified official translation in English. 

    iii) If employer HRs are not able to physically sight the original documents, these documents will then need to be officially certified as "true copies" of the original by Notary Public and shall bear the stamp "Certified as true copy of the original" (CTC).

CTC must:
        ♦ be initialled on every page of the document by the authorized officer (Notary Public or lawyer)
        ♦ include the name of authorized officer (full name), signature, date of certification and the notarization must be made in English.

     iv) Documents which are not acceptable to SNB will delay the processing of the application. 

8) If you have returned to Singapore after practising nursing/midwifery in another country, you are required to provide:
    a) Evidence of past employment (employer HR will provide more information on how to submit this).


    b) Service Gap Letter written by the nurse addressed to SNB to explain the period from the date left employment in Singapore till present.


Verification of nursing/midwifery registration from the nursing/midwifery registration authority in the country of practice.

    -  This is to verify that you are registered as a nurse/midwife in that country, and that no proceedings have been taken or are pending against you.

    -  You are required to make the request with each nursing regulatory authority and the verification must be sent directly to SNB either:

    • By email directly to (preferred) via nursing regulatory authority’s official email.  The sender needs to include full name and designation. Documents must be sent via the institution’s official email account. Non-official email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo mail, etc. will not be accepted.


    • via mail to SNB Operating Office addressed to Registrar, Singapore Nursing Board.

9) If you did not practise nursing in another country and have left for 4 years or more, you may be required to undergo a period of competency assessment.

The SNB Fees for Transfer of Conditional Registration/Enrolment is applicable and non-refundable.

10) A new certificate of registration/enrolment will be issued upon approval, and you must return your previous certificate of registration/enrolment to SNB (if applicable).