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Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) are learning events that nurses and midwives engage in to remain current and updated in their knowledge and competencies as professional Nurses/Midwives. 
Nurses / Midwives are to ensure continuing competency in their relevant areas of practice (Code for Nurses & Midwives, SNB 2018). This can be achieved through CPE,  with the goal of providing safe client care and to keep pace with advances and innovations in healthcare.

Nurses/Midwives’ CPE must be applicable and appropriate to their context and scope of practice. CPE include (but not limited to) participation at in-services, lectures, seminars, conferences/workshops, formal courses, research & quality improvement projects, and various forms of self-directed learning and/or reading.  These learning events can be face-to-face, via online/virtual and/or workplace-based (On-the-Job).
Continuing Nursing Education Image

A CPE point is a unit of credit recognising nurses’ and midwives’ participation in nursing/ healthcare related education programmes. CPE points are accumulated on a yearly basis, from 01 September of the current year to 31 August of the following year to coincide with the renewal of practising certificates. This period is called the Qualifying Period (QP).

For any enquiries/clarifications on CPE submissions, please email

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