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Feedback / Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome your feedback. If you have questions or feedback on matters related to the registration and regulation of conduct of registered nurses and midwives in Singapore, you may wish to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions to see if your queries have already been addressed. For complaints, please refer here for more information.

Otherwise, please email your enquiry to:


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Q1. I am a foreign-trained/ qualified nurse. How can I practise nursing in Singapore?

A1. Before you can practise as a nurse in Singapore, you must be registered with Singapore Nursing Board and you must have an offer of employment with an eligible healthcare institution in Singapore. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q2. How do I apply for registration/ enrolment with SNB?

Q3. Is there a list of recognised overseas qualifications for registration with SNB?

A3. The Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) does not have a list of recognised universities/colleges offering nursing programmes in other countries for the purpose of applying for nursing registration in Singapore.

Q4. How can I apply to sit for SNB’s Licensure Examination?

A4. For a Foreign-trained Nurse/ Midwife, you must first submit an application for registration. Please refer to this page for more information.

When you are eligible to sit for SNB’s Licensure Examination, SNB will notify your employer human resources personnel managing your application.

Q5. How long will it take to process my application? How will I be notified on the outcome of my application?

A5. The average processing time is four (4) weeks, provided that the documentation is complete and in order. Longer processing time is expected if documents are not submitted or SNB requires more time to review a complex case, or when SNB is experiencing peak periods.

You will be notified via an email sent directly to you or via your employing human resources (HR) personnel. If your application is successful, we will also advise you on how to complete the registration process.

Please note that you are not allowed to commence your nursing/ midwifery practice in Singapore until you have been issued a valid practising certificate.

Q6. What is Conditional Registration/ Enrolment?

A6. This means that there are conditions limiting the nurse’s registration/ enrolment and practice. These conditions are stated on each nurse’s Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment.

Q7. I am given Conditional Registration, am I allowed to change employer and/or place of practice?

A7. Depending on the conditions limiting your registration/ enrolment (you may refer to the conditions stated on Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment), your prospective employer's HR personnel will need to submit an application for Transfer of Conditional Registration/ Enrolment. The processes and requirements are available at this page.

Advanced Practice Nurse

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Q1. What is an Advanced Practise Nurse (APN) title?

A1. The Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a protected title under Nurses and Midwives Act 1999, similar to Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives. Please refer to this page for more information on the expected roles, scope and competencies of an APN.

Q2. What are the eligibility criteria to be an advanced practise nurse (APN)?

A2. The requirements for certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse in Singapore depend on the country of APN qualification. You may refer to our website on the eligibility and documentation requirements based on whether you are Local trained or Foreign trained.

Q3. How do I apply to be certified and registered as an APN?

A3. If you have just completed the Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) accredited Master’s in Nursing programme conducted at National University of Singapore, you may submit an online application. More information on this is available here

If you are a foreign trained/ qualified Advanced Practice Nurse/ Nurse Practitioner, you may refer to this page for information on the eligibility and documentation requirements.

Q4. I am currently practising as an APN and I wish to change employer, place of practice and/or scope of practice. How do I do so?

A4. SNB’s approval is required for any change to APN practice, please refer to this page for more information.

Q5. I have left APN practice for some time and I wish to return to APN practice. What should I do?

A5. There are a few issues to consider before you can return to APN practice. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q6. I am a registered Nurse Practitioner in another country.  How can I apply to practise as an APN in Singapore?

A6. Information on certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse in Singapore are available at this page.

Update Particulars

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Q1. When do I need to inform SNB of changes to my personal particulars?

A1. You need to inform SNB (within 28 days of the change), if there is a change to your personal particulars:
a) Name
b) Address
c) Email Address
d) Telephone number
e) Employment and Place of Practice (only for nurses/ midwives on full registration)
f) Nationality/ Residency Status

For nurses/ midwives on conditional registration, please refer to this page or further information.

Q2. How do I update changes to my particulars?

A2. For any change to your personal particulars, please refer to this page for more information on the relevant documents and processes.

Q3. I am a new Singapore Permanent Resident and have just obtained my NRIC.  I am unable to log in to PRS via Singpass. What should I do?

A3. You will need to submit your new NRIC details with SNB in order to log in to the PRS with your Singpass.

Please email a certified true copy of your blue NRIC (front and back) to for verification. 

Once SNB has received and verified that the certified document is in order, we will proceed to update in the system. After your record is updated, we will notify you and you can proceed to log in.

Q4. I have updated my NRIC address with a Police Post, do I still need to inform SNB separately?

A4.Your NRIC address will be updated automatically via OSCAR (One Stop Change of Address Reporting System).  However, if the change of address was made more than 3 days ago and your new NRIC address is not updated when you log in, please contact us at

Additional Qualification

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Q1. How do I notify SNB if I have obtained further nursing qualifications?

A1. If you have completed an academic programme and have obtained a formal qualification in nursing/ midwifery such as, but not limited to, Advanced/ Specialist Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, Bachelor of Nursing or Master of Nursing, you may log in to the Professional Registration System on our website to submit an online application “Additional Qualification” (AQ). Please refer this page for more information

Please note that the approval of the AQ does not imply that your overseas qualification will be recognised by your employer for remuneration purposes.  

Please refer this page for a list of Accredited Nursing Programmes in Singapore.

Q2. Do I need to notify SNB if I have obtained further qualifications in other fields of study?

A2. If you have obtained further qualifications in other fields of study, such Bachelor of Psychology/ Counselling/ Management etc, there is no need for you to notify SNB.

Q3. If I have completed an Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Midwifery), what should I do?

A3. Graduates of Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Midwifery) are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Midwife (RMW).  Please submit an online application for registration as a RMW.  Please refer this page for more information.

Q4. If I have completed an Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health), what should I do?

A4. Graduates of Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health) are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Nurse (Psychiatric) (RNP).  Please submit an online application for registration as an RNP.  Please refer this page for more information.

Return to Nursing Programme

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Q1. I have stopped practising as a nurse. What can I do to resume my nursing practise again in Singapore

A1. Before you can practise as a nurse in Singapore, you must be registered with Singapore Nursing Board and you must have an offer of employment with an eligible healthcare institution in Singapore.  Please refer to this page for more information.

Q2. How do I know if I must attend a Return-to-Nursing Programme?

A2. Please refer to this guide to determine if you need to attend the Return-to-Nursing (RTN) Programme.

Q3. What is a Return-to-Nursing Programme? How do I enrol in a Return-to-Nursing Programme?

A3. The Return-to-Nursing (RTN) Programme is an SNB accredited programme.  More information on the Return-to-Nursing (RTN) Programme is available here.

Q4. I have further questions regarding the Return to Nursing Programme. Where can I find more information?

A4. Please refer to the Return to Nursing Programme (RTN) FAQs for more information and details on the programme’s application and criteria.

Returning to Practice

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Q1. I used to be a Registered Nurse (RN) in Singapore but have practised as a RN overseas for many years.  How can I come back to Singapore to practise again?

A1. For those who have conditions on their registration/ enrolment, you will need an offer of employment and your employer will contact SNB for details.

For those without any conditions on their registration/ enrolment and have been practising overseas as a nurse or midwife (registered with the foreign country’s nursing/ midwifery regulatory council/ board),this is what you need to do:

a)    Email Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) at your request to return to practice, including the following in your email:

      ·    All testimonials of your nursing /midwifery practice overseas.

      ·   Registration Certificate as well as Practising Certificate/ License with each foreign nursing registration/regulatory body. 

b)     SNB will review your request and once we have determined that you are still current in your nursing /midwifery practice, we will inform you to apply for Verification of Registration from those foreign nursing registration/regulatory body that you have registered with.

c)     Once we have received the above Verifications of Registrations, we will then inform you on how to apply for the renewal of your Practising Certificate with (SNB).

Q2. I used to be a Registered Nurse (RN) in Singapore but moved overseas for many years and did not practise.  How can I come back to Singapore to practise again?

A2. Please refer to the following two scenarios:

1)     If you were away from your last nursing practice in Singapore for less than 5years, then you can apply for the renewal of your Practising Certificate.  We may need you to provide a statement that you were not practising nursing during the period you were away.

2)     If you were away from your last nursing practice in Singapore for more than 5 years (up to 10 or 15 years depending on whether you have ever practised in Singapore before that), you have lapsed in nursing practice and will need to complete a Return to Nursing Programme first before you can return to nursing. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q3. After I was qualified to be a nurse and registered as nurse with SNB, I did not practise nursing or renew my practising certificate. How can I practise as a nurse again?

A3. If you have lapsed in your nursing practice for more than 5 years but less than 10 years, you will need to complete a Return-to-Nursing (RTN) programme first before you can return to nursing.
Please refer to our website for more information on the RTN programme.

Q4. I am a foreigner and I practise for a short while in Singapore but did not complete my competency assessment some years back due to my family circumstances.  How can I be re-registered with SNB again?

A4. If you had not completed competency assessment, it means that you were not registered with SNB.  This means that you will need to be re-assessed as a new applicant for registration.

The process of re-registration does not apply to you. Please refer to this section of our website on registration for Foreign-trained Nurses/ Midwives.


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Q1. How can I be re-registered with SNB again as my enrolment/registration was previously cancelled by SNB under section 19(2)?

A1. You may apply to the Board to be re-registered as a registered nurse or registered midwife, re-enrolled as an enrolled nurse. 

Your application can only be accepted 
(a) before the expiration of 3 years from the date of the cancellation of your enrolment/ registration; or 
(b) more than once in any period of 12 months. 

Please email us at for further enquiries.

Q2. How can I be re-certified as an Advanced Practice Nurse when my certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse was cancelled under section 19(2A) or (2B)?

A2. You may apply to the Board to be re-certified as an Advanced Practice Nurse only after your application for re-registration as a Registered Nurse is successful.  Please refer to this page about returning to APN practice.  Do contact us when you have an offer of employment as an APN.   

Similar to re-registration as RNs, your application for re-certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse can only be accepted 
(a) before the expiration of 3 years from the date of the cancellation of your certification as APN; or
(b) more than once in any period of 12 months. within 3 years from the date of cancellation.

Verification of Registration/ Enrolment/ Certificate of Good Standing (CGS)

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Q1. How do I request for verification of registration/ enrolment/ CGS? What are the documents required?

A1. Nurses/Midwives must submit an online application for verification of registration/enrolment to prove his/her current SNB registration status to another nursing regulatory authority. 

Please refer to our website here on the steps to apply.

Q2.I would like to request for verification of registration/ CGS but I have lost/ misplaced my SNB Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment. What should I do?

A2. 1) For applicants in Singapore with Singpass account: 

You must apply for a replacement of your SNB Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment with a prescribed fee. You may refer here for more information on replacement of your SNB Certificate of Registration/Enrolment

Your replacement certificate request will be processed concurrently with your request for verification of registration/enrolment.

2) For applicants overseas without Singpass account: 

You must submit a certified true copy of your current passport (photograph page) as an alternative form of identification.

Q3. Can I request for verification of registration/ enrolment/ CGS for my own reference; to sit for an overseas nursing examination or for local/overseas employment use?

A3. No, verification of registration/enrolment/CGS is issued only for the purpose of proving the nurses’/ midwives’ current SNB registration status to another nursing regulatory authority. This document is confidential and will not be issued to applicants or any other institutions apart from nursing regulatory authority.

• If an institution apart from a nursing regulatory authority would like to determine your registration/enrolment with SNB, you can provide them with a copy of your SNB Certificate of Registration/ Enrolment/ Practising Certificate as proof of your current or past registration/ enrolment with us. 

• Alternatively, they can do a search on SNB's website for more information on your SNB registration/enrolment details - only applicable for nurses/midwives with valid SNB practising certificates.

Q4. Can I request for verification of registration/enrolment/ CGS to be sent to the nursing regulatory authority via email?

A4. Yes, SNB will email the verification of registration/enrolment/ CGS directly to the official email address of the nursing regulatory authority. However, SNB will not send verification of registration/enrolment to free web-based email accounts.

If there is no official email address, SNB will send via DHL courier (subject to additional cost). We will contact you on the additional cost involved and how to make payment.

Q5. How long will it take to process my application? Can I request for my application to be expedited?

A5. The average processing time is 8 to 10 weeks from the date of receipt of your application and payment of the application fee. This excludes the time required for mailing (if applicable).

Q6. How can I check the status of my application? Will I be notified once processing of my application is completed?

A6. We will not reply to queries on status of your applications but will inform you once your verification of registration/enrolment has been sent to the nursing regulatory body.

Please refer here for more information.

Practising Certificate (PC)

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Q1. Do I need a PC to practise in Singapore? How do I apply for it?

A1. Nurses and midwives who are registered with SNB and are in active practice will need a valid PC in order to practise nursing or midwifery in Singapore.

As such, upon registration, you must apply for a PC (with a prescribed fee) before you can commence your practice in Singapore.

It is an offence to practise nursing or midwifery without a valid PC. Therefore, the onus is on you to ensure that you have a valid PC if you are practising nursing or midwifery.

You will need to apply for a PC by submitting an online application through the SNB Professional Registration System (PRS).

Q2. My PC is expiring soon. Will it be renewed automatically?

A2. The renewal process is not automatic. For a yearly renewal of PC, please log in to the SNB Professional Registration System (PRS) and apply for PC renewal online between 1 September and 30 November. If you apply for PC renewal after 30 November or after the expiry of your PC in December, a late application fee will be imposed.

If you are an APN, please renew your RN-PC and APN-PC together.

If you are currently on Provisional Registration, we will contact your HR personnel regarding your PC renewal.

It is an offence to practise nursing or midwifery without a valid PC. Therefore, the onus is on you to ensure that you renew your PC on time. Detailed information on the renewal of PC is available here.

Q3. My PC has lapsed. How do I apply for a new PC?

A3. If you are practising as a nurse/ midwife, you must submit an application for renewal of your PC. Detailed information on the renewal of PC is available here

Q4. How do I make payment for my PC renewal application?

A4. Various online payment methods are available during the PC renewal application process:

a) eNETS credit card: VISA and MasterCard only
b) eNETS debit card: Visa Electron debit cards and MasterCard debit cards only
c) Internet banking: Participating banks such as DBS, POSB, UOB, OCBC and Citibank only
d) GIRO: Only available if you have signed up successfully with SNB to use the GIRO scheme. Online PC renewal application must be successfully submitted in the month of September before the GIRO deduction can take place in the month of October. Please note that you will be required to pay a bank charge for each unsuccessful GIRO deduction.
e) Employer-Pay-On-Behalf (EPOB): Only available to participating organisations.  Online PC renewal application must be successfully submitted in the month of September only. The SNB will notify if the organisation has rejected the payment and the nurse is still responsible to make another PC renewal application using other payment methods.

The payment process is not instantaneous. Please allow at least 3 working days for the processing of payment.

Detailed information on the renewal of PC is available here.

Q5. I have not received my PC. When will it be mailed to me, or do I need to collect it from SNB’s office?

A5. You are not required to collect your PC at the SNB’s office. The SNB had launched the electronic Registration Certificate (e-RC) and electronic Practising Certificate (e-PC), collectively known as “e-Certs”. 

Newly registered nurses and midwives will henceforth be issued with e-RCs and e-PCs upon approval of their registration/ renewal applications.

Registered nurses and midwives renewing their PCs for Year 2023 will receive their e-PCs upon successful renewal.

Existing hardcopy RC and PC which were issued prior to the implementation of e-Certs will remain valid. Please note that existing hardcopy versions are not available for viewing in the PRS. 

For more information, please refer to the circular as well as Q14 and Q15 of the FAQs on e-PC and digital PC (Full version).

Q6. My PC application has been approved. How do I view and download my e-PC?

A6. You will be able to view and download the e-PC that is current and valid.

Once the e-PC is no longer valid, e.g., validity of e-PC has expired, you will no longer be able to view/download it.

Please note that existing hardcopy PCs are not available for viewing in the PRS.

To view and download your valid e-PC, please follow the steps below:

(a)  Log in to the Professional Registration System (PRS) here
(b) At the left menu, click on “Administration” followed by “View Certificates”
(c) Click on the hyperlink under “PC Period”

(d) The e-PC would then display in a pop-up window:

    ·   For most mobile device users, the e-PC should download and display automatically;
    ·   For laptop/computer users, please follow the instructions on your Internet browser to view and download a copy of the e-PC.

Q7. I have made payment for my PC renewal. How can I obtain a receipt?

A7. To print the receipt, log in to the PRS and follow the steps below:

(i)         Select “Application”,
(ii)        Select “Enquire Applications”,
(iii)      Search for your PC application number, and
(iv)       Print receipt under the “Remarks” column.

The receipt is available for download after payment is received by the SNB between 5 and 7 working days after the successful submission of your PC renewal application.

Q8. I cannot proceed with my payment. What should I do?

A8. Please provide a print screen of the error message reflected in the PRS and email to The Secretariat will advise you accordingly.

Q9. I am a newly registered nurse and have recently obtained my PC. It appears that the PC will expire by 31 December of the same year. Does that mean I will have to apply for the renewal of my PC before 30 November (otherwise there will be a late payment fee from 1 December)? Is there a prorated fee?

A9. The Practising Certificate is issued for a calendar year and expiry date of a PC is aligned to the last day of the year (i.e. 31 December) for a newly registered Nurse/ Midwife (excluding those on temporary registration/ enrolment and provisional registration/ enrolment). Application for PC renewal is required for the next year if the new Nurse/ Midwife needs to practise.
There is no proration of Application for PC renewal fees. The fees for PC renewal can be found in SNB Fees.

Re-print Certificate of Registration (RC)/ Enrolment

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Q1. I lost my hardcopy Registration Certificate (a B5 certificate embossed with a red seal)/ Enrolment. How do I replace it?

A1. To apply for a replacement of your RC, you can submit an online application to replace your certificate. A non-refundable application fee is chargeable.

If you have lodged a police report for the loss of your RC, please submit it together with your application. Details are available here.

Once the application is approved, an electronic certificate(s) will be issued to you.

Continuing Professional Education – For Nurses and Midwives

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Q1. How do I monitor my CPE points and view my CPE report?

A1. Log in to the PRS using your Singpass ID and password. After log in:
 (i) Select ‘CPE’,
(ii) Select ‘Monitoring of CPE’ to check the number of CPE points accumulated, and
(iii) Select ‘Detailed Report for Current QP’.
The CPE report for the current qualifying period will be shown.

Q2. What are the CPE Points Requirements to renew my Practising Certificate (PC)?

A2. If you are an Enrolled Nurse/ Registered Nurse (EN/ RN) or Registered Midwife (RMW), please refer to this page for more information. 

If you are an advanced practice nurse (APN), you must meet certain requirements to demonstrate that you have maintained your competency. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q3. What is the Qualifying Period (QP) to attain CPE points?

A3. CPE points are accumulated on a yearly basis, from 01 September of the current year to 31 August of the following year to coincide with the renewal of practising certificates. This period is called the Qualifying Period (QP). Please refer to this page for more information.

Q4. How do I claim points for CPE?

A4. You can obtain CPE points from CPE Events approved by SNB and you may also self-claim CPE points for some categories of events, such as overseas conferences and paper/poster presentation at conferences. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q5. How may I attach documents when the application is routed to me for attachment of supporting documents?

A5. You may carry out the following steps:

    (i) Please log in and click on “Enquire CPE Claims” to find the application.
    (ii) Then click on the word “here” under “Remarks” to attach the supporting document. Please include your documents in “PDF” or “JPG” format and ensure that the file size does not exceed 1MB.

Q6. Why have I not received the outcome of the claims?

A6. Please ensure that you have provided the correct email address in the PRS. The outcome of the claims will be sent to you via email.

Q7. How may I attach documents when the application is routed to me for attachment of supporting documents?

A7. Please refer to the following steps:

(i)     Log in and click on “Enquire CPE Claims” to find the application.
(ii)   Then click on the word “here” under “Remarks” to attach the supporting document.

Please include your documents in “pdf” or “jpg” format and ensure that it does not exceed more than 1MB.

Continuing Professional Education – CPE Providers

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Q1. How can my organisation apply for the course/ event to be an approved CPE event?

A1. Your organisation must be a healthcare or educational institution that organises courses or events for the nurses or midwives to maintain their competencies. The SNB will only accord it as CPE event if it is taken as part of the nurses or midwives’ professional development, and it should be applicable and appropriate in their area of practice and to their scope of practice. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q2, How does my organisation apply for a CPE provider account?

A2. Please ensure your organisation has a Corppass account. Do refer to Corppass website ( for more information on Corppass and how to set up a Corpass account.

Once you have obtained your Corppass account, refer to this page on how to apply for a CPE provider account.

Q3. I do not have the required supporting documents; can I submit application for my event on PRS first?

A3. No, please submit your application for accreditation of event only when you have gathered all supporting documents, programme outline with time allocation of each activity/topic, including breaks (if any). Please note that applications with incomplete information will delay the processing. Please refer to this page for more information.

Q4. I have printed the CPE points on the programme outline/publicity materials for my event before seeking SNB’s approval. What should I do?

A4. Please remove all indicative CPE points and submit your event application to SNB for approval.

Q5. How may I attach documents when the application is routed to me for attachment of supporting documents?

A5. You may carry out the following steps:

(i)         Please log in and click on “Manage Events” to find the application.
(ii)        Then click on the word “here” under “Remarks” to attach the supporting document. Please include your documents in “PDF” or “JPG” format and ensure that the file size does not exceed 1MB.

Q6. How to submit attendance or add attendance records after submission of attendance?

A6. You may submit the attendance record online after the event application is approved.

Step 1
: Log in to your provider account 
(i) Select “Manage Events” 
(ii) Key in your event application ID 
(iii) Click on “Search” 

Your event application will appear under “Search Result”. Click on your event ID to access the application.

Step 2
: Submit the attendance record. 

Add in the names and rows accordingly. 

If you have a large number in attendance, e.g. 100 nurses, download the systems excel template and upload the attendance file. 

Screenshot Example

Click on “Add attendance” (as shown below).

Proceed to key in the nurses’ Registration number as indicated in yellow below.

Click on the “Submit” button once completed. 

If you have performed the above step and submitted the attendance records but wish to include more records, you may still do so. 

Click on “Add More Rows” and change the number according to the number of additional records. Proceed to include the additional names and click on “Submit” to complete the update.

Supervisory Framework

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Q1. Can I view my competency assessment report?

A1. At regular intervals during your Competency Assessment (CA) period, your supervisor should provide feedback on your performance. At the end of the CA period, your supervisor should conduct a review with you. This review is to be clearly documented in the CA report provided by SNB. This CA report is only accessible by your supervisors.

Q2. I am currently enrolled as an Enrolled Nurse (EN). Do I need to renew my EN Practising Certificate (PC) if I am on provisional registration as a Registered Nurse (RN)?

A2. ENs who are currently on provisional registration as RNs are not required to renew their EN PC. The provisional registration will remain in force till the SNB decides on the outcome of your registration as RNs.

Complaints Against Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Registered Midwives and Advanced Practice Nurses

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Q1. How do I lodge a complaint against a nurse?

A1. You may consider writing to the healthcare institution (e.g., hospital or clinic) or ask to speak to the nursing officer in-charge of the patient regarding your concerns or feedback. As the service provider, the healthcare institution has the responsibility to assist in the first instance and to address your feedback concerning the conduct or practice standards of a nurse.

Please note that SNB only regulates the professional conduct and ethics of registered/enrolled nurses, registered midwives and Advanced Practice Nurses.

For more information, on lodging a complaint, please refer to our website here.

General Enquiries

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Q1. How can I check that the nurse or midwife is registered with Singapore Nursing Board and has a valid Practising Certificate to practise?

A1. You can search and view the register online via “Search for Nurses/ Midwives” at SNB’s website ( Enrolled Nurses, Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Registered Nurse (Psychiatric) and Advanced Practice Nurses who are registered and have a valid practising certificate are searchable via this online register.

Q2. I have difficulty logging in to PRS. What should I do?

A2. You may wish to note that you will be able need to log in to your SNB account through Singpass only.

Please try to log in into via Singpass again website and if your login fails, you may wish to check with Singpass to reset your password on password reset. If you are able to log in to Singpass website (, please use the same login details to log in to SNB website using Internet Explorer 8.0 and above as the browser.

If you have updated from FIN to NRIC, you will need to attach a colour-scan copy of your NRIC (front and back) and send to us via email at

Q3. How do I login to SNB’s PRS?

A3. For registered nurses/ midwives or applicants with X-number:

For Singpass users e.g. NRIC/FIN holders, please log in via Singpass and 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) using SMS or Singpass Mobile.

For non-Singpass users e.g. Passport holders, please log in via User ID, password and 2FA (using Google Authenticator [GA]).

For HR personnel or CPE providers, you will need both a Singpass user account and an existing SNB account in order to access the PRS.

Please request your Corppass Admin to create a user account for you and assign the following e-Service access:
• Government Agency: Ministry of Health (MOH)
• e-Service: Professional Registration System (PRS)

Please note that since 11 April 2021, corporate users who are logging in to government digital services for businesses (G2B) are required to use Singpass. Find out more:

Please refer to this page on how to apply for a CPE provider account. 

To create HR accounts with SNB, please enquire with SNB via email ( on the eligibility for your organisation to employ foreign qualified nurses.

Q4. What is “Secretariat of healthcare Professional Boards”?

A4. With effect from 1 Jan 2020, the Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) is supported by the Secretariat of healthcare Professional Boards (SPB) for its secretariat and operational functions. The registration and regulation of nurses and midwives continue to be governed by SNB, which retains autonomy and independence over professional and statutory matters, as provided for under the Nurses and Midwives Act 1999.
