General Email Enquiries:
Please email us at for all enquiries, stating your full name and registration number where applicable.
Do note that for nurses qualified overseas, we will not provide outcome of registration applications directly to individual applicants. Applicants are required to contact their employing healthcare institution instead.
CPE Enquiries:
Please email us at for any enquiries/clarifications about CPE requirements for nurses & midwives. And if you need assistance with submission of CPE claims.
Receipt of Verification of Registrations from Foreign Nursing Regulatory Councils/ Boards and Transcripts of Nursing Education from Foreign Nursing Universities/ Colleges
Foreign Nursing Regulatory Councils/ Boards and Foreign Nursing Universities/ Colleges with official emails may send their documents directly to SNB to this email
Do note that this email is only for receipt of documents and pls send general enquiries to
Counter Services:
We are currently not providing counter services. (Please refer to SNB Announcements page for the latest information).
Do refer to our website for information on enrolment/ registration of Nurses, Midwives and certification of Advanced Practice Nurses, including the renewal of Practising Certificates.
Correspondence Address:
Singapore Nursing Board
c/o Secretariat of healthcare Professional Boards (SPB)
81 Kim Keat Road #10-00
Singapore 328836
Please send your enquiries and requests to the SNB enquiry mailbox at Thank you.