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Local Graduates

Fitness to Practice Advisory

The attached guidelines for nursing students considering enrolment into nursing programmes are applicable for nursing graduates applying for registration/ enrolment with SNB. This is to ensure Registered Nurses/ Enrolled Nurses are fit to practise.


An applicant who wishes to apply for registration/enrolment is required to have successfully completed one of the following SNB-accredited Pre-registration/Pre-enrolment Nursing Programmes conducted in Singapore.

a) Graduates of the following programme(s) are eligible to apply for registration with SNB as Registered Nurses (RNs):

Qualification Education Institution
Bachelor of Science (Nursing) National University of Singapore
Diploma in Nursing Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Nursing Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Diploma in Nursing Parkway College of Nursing and Allied Health  (last cohort Year 2022)

b) Graduates of the following programme(s) are eligible to apply for enrolment with SNB as Enrolled Nurses (ENs):

Qualification Education Institution
NITEC in Nursing ITE College East

c) Graduates of the following programme(s) are eligible to apply for registration with SNB as Registered Midwives (RMWs):

Qualification Education Institution
Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Midwifery) Nanyang Polytechnic

d) Graduates of the following programme(s) are eligible to apply for registration with SNB as Registered Nurse (Psychiatric) (RNPs):

Qualification Education Institution
Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health) Nanyang Polytechnic


Please ensure that you have read and understood all instructions before you start applying, including the mandatory documents to submit.  There are some documents which are mandatory for your application but which you may not be prompted by the system to submit.  If you fail to submit these documents, your application may be delayed.  

For further clarifications or enquiries, please email to, with the subject heading <Application for Registration/Enrolment>.

It is important that you apply for registration/enrolment within five years of completing your nursing programme; otherwise you will have to attend a Return-to-Nursing Programme before you can be considered for registration/enrolment.

Graduates who apply for registration/ enrolment from the 4th year of completing the nursing programme are required to pass a 6 months Competency Assessment (CA) with an employer (in inpatient settings such as hospital, community hospital or nursing home) first. This CA must be completed before 5th year of completing the nursing programme.

Application must be submitted online either:

a) by yourself where payment must be made by:

  • Credit/Debit Card
    • Acceptable Credit Cards (VISA and MasterCard ONLY) (Note:  American Express (Amex), Diners Club and JCB Credit Cards are NOT accepted.)
    • Acceptable Debit Cards (Visa Electron Debit Cards and MasterCard ONLY)      

This is only applicable to applicants who are Singpass eligible. For more information, please visit Singpass's website

Instructions on how to apply for registration/enrolment are available here [PDF, 3355KB]. Please ensure that you understand all the instructions before proceeding to Pre-application to commence your application.

b) through your employer (your employer will advise you on the application process)

All documents submitted to SNB for application for registration/enrolment will be kept by SNB as documentary proof and are not returnable. Any request for copies will not be entertained.

Documents required for Application of Registration/Enrolment

For applications that are submitted by the Employer HRs, they are required to sight all original documents provided by applicants and ensure that the documents submitted for their applications are indeed true copies of the original.  

1) A passport size photograph [PDF, 10KB]

2) NRIC or Student Pass (front and back) and Passport (whichever is applicable)

3) Official Transcript of nursing education with evidence of completion of an SNB-accredited programme listed above

i) For any documents submitted:
(a) Direct colour-scanned documents of at least 300 dpi are preferred.  Grayscale copies (at least 300 dpi) are also acceptable.  
(b) Copies of documents submitted must be clear and all pages of documents must be seen and not cropped. 

ii) If employer HRs are not able to physically sight the original documents, these documents will then need to be officially certified as "true copies" of the original by Notary Public and shall bear the stamp "Certified as true copy of the original" (CTC).

CTC must:
• be initialled on every page of the document by the authorized officer (Notary Public or lawyer)
• include the name of authorized officer (full name), signature, date of certification and the notarization must be made in English.

iii) Documents which are not acceptable to SNB will delay the processing of the application.

Applicable Fees

The following SNB Fees are applicable :

a) Application Fee for Registration/Enrolment (to be paid upon submission of the online application)

b) Registration/Enrolment Fee (to be paid upon approval)

c) Application for Practising Certificate Fee (to be paid upon approval)

Outcome of Application

Generally, you will receive your Practising Certificate (PC) on the day that you are registered/enrolled. However, there may be instances where you may be

a) asked to undergo health/physical examination (at your own expense) to ascertain your fitness to practise; and/or

b) required to undergo a competency assessment; and/or

c) placed on provisional registration; and/or

d) allowed to practice with conditions imposed as deemed appropriate by SNB

SNB will inform you of your outcome accordingly by email. You may be required to make an appointment for registration/enrolment upon receiving the email notification of your application outcome.

It is an offence to practise nursing/midwifery without a valid practising certificate.
[ Nurses and Midwives Act 1999 Section 26 (1) ]

Practising Certificate (PC) Renewal

PC must be renewed yearly. Information on the renewal of your PC will be sent to your email (registered with SNB) by end August of each year. For more details about informing SNB of changes in your particulars and residential address, please click on Update Particulars.