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Renewing Practising Certificate for OHT

Under Section 29 of the Dental Registration Act, registered oral health therapists are required to hold a valid practising certificate in order to practise dentistry in Singapore.


Important Notes

Any person who is guilty shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $25,000 and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction for an offence under any of those sections, to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.

Bi-yearly renewal

OHTs will have to login to the Professional Registration System (PRS) to apply for renewal of PC.

The renewal of PC is done on a bi-yearly basis.
A circular containing information on PC Renewal will be sent via email to OHTs in September during the year of the renewal. All OHTs must ensure that their email is updated in PRS so that information can be conveyed promptly.

Employer Paying On Behalf of OHT
OHTs whose employers are paying PC fees on their behalf are still required to apply for renewal of PC online.


Pre-requisites for renewal of PC

All OHTs are required to fulfil the following conditions before renewal of their practising certificates:

(a) Compulsory Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Dental Professional

Required CPE (20% must be core)




Oral Health Therapists




For CPE details, please click here.

Section 15I(1) of the Dentists Regulations states that Council may refuse to renew the practising certificate if the registered OHT fails to fulfil the requisite CPE points.

(b) Compulsory BCLS Theory Certification

Please note that all OHTs are required to have a valid Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) theory certification. It is the onus of the OHT to submit a copy of their valid BCLS theory certificate via PRS under Category 1C (Certification).
The attendance for BCLS theory will be considered as a core CPE activity.
Please refer to the list of BCLS providers via SRFAC’s website, SRFAC – Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council

(c) Mandatory ESAE
Please note that for the renewal of practising certificates due on 31 Dec 2026 onwards, all registered OHTs are required to fulfil a mandatory on-line Ethics Self-Assessment Exercise (ESAE). Completion of the ESAE will also be considered as a core CPE activity. (refer to announcement made on 23 Nov 2023 and 2 May 2024

Dental practitioners do not need to submit their quiz results to the SDC as their results will be recorded by the on-line ESAE system automatically. It may take up to 1 month for their ESAE participations (only applicable to dental practitioners who have passed the quiz) to be updated and reflected in their Professional Registration System (PRS) records.

Renewal Fees

The application for renewal of PC, with a validity of two years, is $100 or part thereof.

Late Application Fees

Any registered OHT who applies for a practising certificate later than one month before the expiration of the practising certificate shall be liable to pay to the Council such late application fee as required under section 17(5) of the Dental Registration Act.

A late application fee of $20 will be imposed if application is made in less than one month before expiry of practising certificate and $50 will be imposed if application is made after expiry of practising certificate.

Mode of payment

Payment must be made via online application. Cash and cheque payment will not be accepted by SDC Office.