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ESAE Requirement

Mandatory Ethics Self-Assessment Exercise (ESAE) for all Dental Professionals for renewal of Practising Certificate (PC)


The Singapore Dental Council would like to inform that with effect from the Dentist Qualifying Period (QP) 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025 and the OHT Qualifying Period (QP) 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2025, all Dentists and OHTs are required to fulfil a mandatory on-line Ethics Self-Assessment Exercise (ESAE). Completion of the ESAE will also be considered as a core CPE activity (refer to announcement made on 23 Nov 2023). 

Table 1 shows a summary of the requirements to be fulfilled when dentists apply for PC renewal from 1 October 2025 and when OHTs apply for PC renewal from 1 October 2026.

Table 1. Requirements for Dentists’ PC Renewal 2025 (QP 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025) & OHTs’ PC Renewal 2026 (QP 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2026)

Register TypeCPE BCLS ESAE [Additional requirement] 


 Division I70 points
Practical & theory1 (6 points)
80% passing mark (5 points)3
 Division II35 points
OHTs2 -35 points
Theory2 (4 points)

1Fulfillment of BCLS (practical & theory) is a mandatory requirement for renewal of Dentist PC biennially. Dentists who are 55 years old and above are only required to fulfil BCLS (theory). 

Fulfillment of BCLS (theory) is a mandatory requirement for renewal of OHT PC biennially. BCLS (practical) is optional for OHTs.
3 Fulfilment of ESAE is a mandatory requirement for renewal of Dentist and OHT PC biennially. 

Compulsory Online Quiz for ESAE module
On the recommendation of the Ministry of Health (MOH) Healthcare Ethics Capability Committee (HECC), the Singapore Dental Council has implemented a mandatory on-line Ethics Self-Assessment Exercise (ESAE) as a requirement for the renewal of Practising Certificates (PC) for all dental practitioners.

The intent of ESAE is to raise the awareness and understanding of SDC’s Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines 2018 (ECEG) and ensure that all dental practitioners are kept abreast of the applicable standards of ethical practice required in the discharge of their professional duties and responsibilities.

The on-line ESAE will be administered initially by the College of Dental Surgeons Singapore (CDSS) of the Academy of Medicine Singapore (AMS) in the form of an on-line self-learning module. Dental practitioners must complete the module and pass a quiz with a passing mark of 80%. Dental practitioners will be informed at least 1 month ahead of the start of the ESAE registration and participation period and given unlimited attempts to pass the quiz during the 3-month period. Dental practitioners may refer to the following websites for more information and register for the ESAE.

Dental practitioners do not need to submit their quiz results to the SDC as their results will be recorded by the on-line ESAE system automatically. It may take up to 1 month for their ESAE participations (only applicable to dental practitioners who have passed the quiz) to be updated and reflected in their Professional Registration System (PRS) records.