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List of CPE Activities

Category Type Activities Involved Credit Points Submitted By


(Max = 10 points for a QP of 2 years)

- Grand Ward Round

- Teaching/ Tutorial Session

- In-house lectures / seminars

Participant: 1 point per 1 hour session

Local speakers: 1 point per 1 hour session. No points awarded for clinical supervision or grand ward round activity.

Course Organiser
1B (Local)

- Conference

- Hands-on Courses/Series

- Lecture

- Scientific Meeting

- Seminar

- Symposium

- Workshop

Participant: 1 point per 1 hour session

Local speakers: 2 points can be claimed for each lecture hour. 1 point per hour session will be given for repeated activities.

For repeated hands-on workshops, main supervisor can claim 2 points per hour and subsidiary supervisor can claim 1 point per hour.

Course Organiser
1C (Overseas) Refer to 1B Dental Professionals
1C (Certification) BCLS certification

6 points (practical + theory)

4 points (theory only)

*w.ef. Dentist QP 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2021 & OHT QP 01/10/2020 – 30/09/2022

Dental Professionals
1C (ESAE) On-line self-learning module 5 points (80% passing mark)
*w.e.f. Dentist QP 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025 & OHT QP 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2026
Course Organiser

2 (Publications/ Editorial Work)

(Max = 40 points for a QP of 2 years)

- Original papers in health related journals/ Editorial Work/ MOH Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs)

- Textbook/ Refereed Journal (original paper)

- E-Learning Programme [SDA]

First Author/ Chief Editor
10 points per paper/book

Subsidiary Author/ Subsidiary Editor
5 points per paper/book

ELP Contributor/ Reviewer
2 points per paper

Dental Professionals

3A (Self-study)

(Max = 20 points for a QP of 2 years)

- Reading of papers from Refereed Journals

- Self-study from audio-visual tapes

- Online education programmes (without assessment)

1 point per tape/ paper/ online education

Scientific Reviewer
1 point per paper


Dental Professionals

3B (Distance Learning)

(Max = 20 points for a QP of 2 years)

- Through approved interactive structured CPE courses

- Online education (with Assessment)

1 point per module or as recommended by CPE Committee Dental Professionals

Only activities catering to dental professionals will be recognised for CPE points. The CPE activities that the dental professionals may participate in are classified into different categories, namely: Categories 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3A and 3B. To encourage dental professionals to participate in different forms of learning, a cap is being placed on certain activities. For example in Category 1A, dental professionals are only allowed to clock up to a maximum of 10 points per QP.

List of Accredited Journals

The list of accredited journals can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink below.

You can also view the list through the 'List of Accredited Journals' function under the CPE Menu when you login to the online system.