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Feedback / Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome your feedback. If you have questions or feedback on matters related to the registration and regulation of conduct of registered dental practitioners including dentists and oral health therapists in Singapore, you may wish to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below to see if your queries have already been addressed.

Otherwise, please email your enquiry to


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Q1. How do I update my particulars?

A1. To update your personal details, log in here to SDC’s Professional Registration System and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please go to Administration » Update Particulars.

Q2. How do I register to practise as a Dentist in Singapore? What is the criteria and registration process?

A2. Foreign-trained dentist  must have a registrable basic dental qualification that is listed in the Schedule of the Dental Registration Act and you must fulfil the prevailing requirements for registration before submitting an application online. 

Please refer to the SDC website here for the registration policies, procedures and documents to be submitted.

Before you start the online application, please ensure that you have the soft copies of all the supporting documents ready, as required by the type of registration that you are applying for. In addition, you are required to download “Dentist/OHT - Forms A and B - Authorisation for Release of Information” from the SDC website here and upload both forms in your online application.

After that, you may log in to the Professional Registration System (PRS) here to submit your application.

Q3: I have changed my identification number and am unable to login to PRS. What should I do?

A3. Please scan and email a copy of your blue NRIC (front and back, in colour) to for verification. 

Once SDC has received the NRIC and checked that it is in order, we will update your particulars in the PRS. 

After that, we will notify you and you can proceed to log in.

Q4. What is a Letter of Fitness from a medical practitioner? Is there a template? Can I submit one from overseas?

A4. The Letter of Fitness is a letter or memo written by a registered medical practitioner who  certifies that you are fit to practise dentistry. There is no template to be provided. 

Overseas medical reports and Letter of Fitness are subject to the SDC’s  acceptance. You may submit them in your application for SDC’s consideration. However, in the event that the documents are not accepted by the SDC , you will be required to re-submit the documents from a medical practitioner registered with the Singapore Medical Council and practising in Singapore.

Q5. I have not practised anywhere overseas after graduation, and neither am I registered with any dental board or council overseas. How should I proceed with the submission of the Certificate of Registration?

A5.You may omit the submission of both the Certificate of Registration and Certificate of Good Standing if you have not been registered with any overseas dental board / council since graduation. However, you will be required to submit a declaration letter to state your non-registration status and reason(s), in lieu of the omitted documents.

Q6. If my basic dental qualification is neither from a local university in Singapore nor specified in the schedule, can I still register with SDC?

A6. As your basic dental qualification is not recognised by the Singapore Dental Council, you may first email and apply to SDC for approval to sit for the Qualifying Examination (QE) if you meet the prevailing criteria. You must pass the QE and meet prevailing criteria in order to apply for Conditional registration with the SDC.

For more information and updates on the Schedule and QE, please refer to Questions 7-8 below.

Q7. I have overseas training in Dentistry. Is my qualification recognised to register as a dentist with SDC?

A7. Please refer to the Schedule for the list of registrable basic qualifications that are recognised by SDC for registration to be a dentist.

Q8. Will I still need to take the Qualifying Examination (QE) to register for Conditional registration if I graduated on or after 1 January 2029 from a school that is listed in the revised Schedule?

A8. If a foreign-trained dentist graduates by 31 Dec 2028 from a foreign dental school with a registrable basic dental qualification that is listed in the current Schedule, he/she can still apply for Conditional registration under the current system, but he/she will need to secure employment with a local dental clinic or healthcare institution before applying to SDC for registration.

If he/she graduates on or after 1 Jan 2029 from a foreign school with a registrable dental qualification that is specified in the Schedule will automatically be eligible to sit for QE. He/She must pass the QE before they can submit the dental registration. 

Please see here for the amendment to the Dental Registration Act (DRA) that was announced on 2 Aug 2021.

Q9. I have enrolled for a course that is recognised under the list of schools in the Schedule. However, the name of the course and the degree to be conferred has since been changed. Will I still be able to register with SDC as a Dentist upon returning to Singapore?

A9. Any changes to the name of the school or qualification found in the Schedule’s registrable dental qualifications will be subject to approval by the SDC at the material time when you apply for registration with SDC.

Q10. One of the eligibility criteria for qualifying examination for foreign-trained dentist is a recognised higher qualification. What does this higher qualification refer to?

A10. A higher qualification refers to a Masters degree or a postgraduate diploma in dentistry. The SDC will review your application and qualification(s) to determine if the higher qualification is recognised and deemed that you are eligible to sit for the qualifying examination.

Q11. I am a Conditionally registered dentist and meeting the time norm (2 years) for full registration. How do I apply for full registration?

A11. You may submit an online application for Full Registration through the Professional Registration System (PRS). Please select the sub-category, “Conversion” to apply.

Q12. How do I register to become a dental specialist? What is the registration process?

A12. You should first obtain specialist accreditation from the Dental Specialists Accreditation Board (DSAB). For more information on DSAB's requirements, please visit the DSAB website.

Upon obtaining the letter of accreditation from DSAB, you may proceed to apply for registration as a specialist with the Singapore Dental Council. Prior to application, please ensure that you have registered the relevant higher qualifications with the SDC.

Q13. What are the additional qualifications that are not accepted for display?

A13. For additional qualifications that are not related to patient-care, they will not be accepted as displayable qualifications and should not be listed on your clinic website / social media, clinic premises and stationery. There is no appeal.

Q14. How do I apply for a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS)?

A14. Dentists requesting for a CGS can submit an online application via the Professional Registration System (PRS). SDC will take about 14 working days to process an application, or longer for more complex application.

For more information, please visit the SDC website and proceed to CGS webpage.

Q15. How will I receive the Certificate of Good Standing (CGS)?

A15. The CGS will be sent via email to the relevant requesting authority directly from SDC. The dental professional will not have a copy of the CGS.

The Council does not allow self-collection and does not send any copy of the CGS to the dental professional's residential/practice place address.

Q16. I am an Oral Health Therapist / Dental Therapist / Dental Hygienist. What is the work scope that I can perform?

A16. Oral Health Therapist (OHT)  is an important member of a multi-disciplinary oral healthcare team. OHT works in collaboration with registered dentist. OHT should not practise beyond the approved scope of practice unless approval from the Council is granted.

Please refer to the work scope for OHTs, Dental Therapists and Dental Hygienists here.

Practising Certificate (PC) – Dentists

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Q1. Do I need a PC to practise in Singapore? How do I apply for it?

A1. Dentists who are registered with SDC will need a valid PC in order to practise dentistry in Singapore.

You will need to apply for a PC by submitting an online application through the SDC Professional Registration System (PRS)

Even if your employer is paying the PC application fee on your behalf or you are under the GIRO scheme, you will still need to submit an  application on PRS for the renewal of PC.

Q2. My PC is expiring soon. Will it be renewed automatically?

A2. The renewal process is not automatic. You will need to log in to the SDC PRS before your PC expires to apply for a renewal. Dentists who fail to renew their PC one month before PC expiry date, will have to pay a late application fee of S$75.

Q3. I cannot renew my PC online and received the following message: “Note: Your register must meet all renewal criteria below.” Why?

A3. In order to renew your PC, you are required to fulfil the CPE, BCLS and ESAE requirements and have no outstanding fines for not voting at the SDC’s election (applicable to fully registered division I dentists only).

(i) CPE requirements:

Application Type CME Requirements
PC renewal for Division I dentist  70 CPE points, of which at least 20% or 14 points shall be core points and at least 50 points shall be verifiable points 
PC renewal for Division II dentist 
35 CPE points, of which at least 20% or 7 points shall be core points and at least 25 points shall be verifiable points
For more information on CPE, BCLS and ESAE requirements, please click here.

(ii) BCLS requirements: 
Dentists are required to fulfil BCLS (practical + theory) for renewal of PC biennially. Dentists who are 55 years old and above are only required to fulfil BCLS (theory). Dentists who are below 55 years old but require exemption from BCLS (practical) due to medical reasons must seek prior approval from the SDC. Please write in to to request for exemption and attach your doctor’s memo, stating your name, condition, and advice for exemption. Requests for exemption will be assessed and granted on a case-by-case basis. 4 core points will be awarded for BCLS (theory) and 6 core points will be awarded for BCLS (theory + practical). 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council has granted special considerations to allow all dentists to only fulfil BCLS (theory) for Qualifying Period (QP) 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2021 and 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2023. 

(iii) ESAE Requirements:
Dentists are required to fulfil ESAE for renewal of PC biennially. The on-line ESAE will be administered in the form of on-line self-learning module. 5 core points will be awarded upon completion of the module and passing  a quiz with a passing mark of 80%

(iv) Voting requirements:
Please note that dentists will not be eligible to renew their PC if they have outstanding fine(s) incurred as a result of failure to vote at any SDC election. We wish to highlight that voting is compulsory for all fully registered dentists under section 5 of the Dental Registration Act (Cap 76).

Q4. How do I make payment for my PC renewal application??

A4. Payment will be made online via credit card/ debit card during the application process on PRS.

The payment process is not instantaneous. Please allow at least three working days for the processing of payment to be credited.

Q5. I have successfully submitted my PC renewal application but was not prompted for payment. Why?

A5. You may be under GIRO or Employer-Paying-On-Behalf (EPOB) scheme.

For GIRO-users, payment will be made at a later time on a fixed date. Dentists with an existing GIRO arrangement with the SDC will not be asked to make payment during the application stage. To support Digital Government Initiative, SDC will not be accepting new application for GIRO. 

For dentists on EPOB scheme, payment will be made by your employer. To verify if you are under EPOB scheme, please check with your institution HR department.

Q6. What happens if my PC has expired?

A6. You must cease practice immediately if your PC has expired. You can only resume practice after you have successfully renewed and received your PC.

The application fee for a 2-year PC is $800.00. 

If you apply for a PC less than 1 month before the expiration of the PC, you shall be liable to pay to the Council a late application fee. 

The current late application fee (in addition to the renewal fee payable) are as follows:
• $75.00 is payable if the application is made less than 1 month before the expiration of the practising certificate (i.e., from 1 December of the renewal year)
• $200.00 is payable if the application is made after the expiration of the practising certificate (i.e., from 1 January of the succeeding year) 

Example: For Dentist PC renewal exercise in 2021, a late application fee of $75.00 applies for PC renewal applications submitted from 1 December 2021, and a late application  fee of $200.00 applies for PC renewal applications submitted from 1 January 2022.

Q7. My PC application has been approved. How do I view and download the e-Certs?

A7. You will be able to view and download the e-PC that is current and valid. Once the e-PC is no longer valid, e.g. validity of e-PC has expired, you will no longer be able to view/download it.

To view and download your valid e-PC, please follow the steps below:
(a) Log in to the Professional Registration System (PRS) here
(b) At the left menu, click “Administration” followed by “View Certificates”
(c) Click on the hyperlink under “PC Period” 

View Certificates
(d) The e-PC would then display in a pop-up window:
• For most mobile device users, the e-PC should download and display automatically;
• For laptop/computer uses, please follow instructions on your internet browser to view and download a copy of the e-PC.

Q8. I have made payment for my PC renewal. How can I obtain a receipt?

A8. To print your receipt, log in to the PRS and follow the steps below:
(v) Select “Application”,
(vi) Select “Enquire Applications”, 
(vii) Search for your PC application number, 
(viii) Print receipt under the “Remarks” column.

Practising Certificate (PC) – Oral Health Therapists (OHTs)

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Q1. Do I need a PC to practise in Singapore? How do I apply for it?

A1. OHTs who are registered with SDC will need a valid PC in order to practise dentistry in Singapore.

You will need to apply for a PC by submitting an online application through the SDC Professional Registration System (PRS).

Even if your employer is paying the PC renewal fee on your behalf, you will still need to submit an application on PRS for the renewal of PC.

Q2. My PC is expiring soon. Will it be renewed automatically?

A2. The renewal process is not automatic. You will need to log in to the SDC PRS before your PC expires to apply for a renewal. OHTs who fail to renew their PC one month before their PC expiry date, will have to pay a late application fee of S$20.

Q3. I cannot renew my PC online and received the following message: “Note: Your register must meet all renewal criteria below.” Why?

A3. In order to renew your PC, you are required to fulfil the CPE, BCLS (Theory) and ESAE requirements.

(i) CPE requirements:

Application Type CME Requirements
PC renewal for OHTs 35 CPE points of which at least 20% or 7 points shall be core points and at least 25 points shall be verifiable points
For more information on CPE, BCLS and ESAE requirements, please click here.

(ii) BCLS requirements: 
OHTs are only required to fulfil BCLS (theory) for renewal of PC biennially. 4 core points will be awarded for BCLS (theory). BCLS (practical) is optional for OHTs. OHTs who have completed BCLS (practical + theory) will be awarded 6 core points accordingly.

(iii) ESAE Requirements:
OHTs are required to fulfil ESAE for renewal of PC biennially. The on-line ESAE will be administered in the form of on-line self-learning module. 5 core points will be awarded upon completion of the module and passing  a quiz with a passing mark of 80%

Q4. How do I make payment for my PC renewal application?

A4. Payment will be made online via credit card/ debit card during the application process in PRS.

The payment process is not instantaneous. Please allow at least three working days for the processing of payment to be credited.

Q5. I have successfully submitted my PC renewal application but was not prompted for payment. Why?

A5. You may be under Employer-Paying-On-Behalf (EPOB) scheme.

For OHTs on EPOB scheme, payment will be made by your employer. To verify if you are under EPOB scheme, please check with your institution HR department.

Q6. What happens if my PC has expired?

A6. You must cease practice immediately if your PC has expired. You can only resume practice after you have successfully renewed and received your PC.

The application fee for a 2-year PC is $120.00. 

If you apply for a PC less than 1 month before the expiration of the PC, you shall be liable to pay to the Council a late application fee. 

The current late application fee (in addition to the renewal fee payable) are as follows:
• $20.00 is payable if the application is made less than 1 month before the expiration of the practising certificate (i.e., from 1 December of the renewal year)
• $50.00 is payable if the application is made after the expiration of the practising certificate (i.e., from 1 January of the succeeding year) 

Example: For OHT PC renewal exercise in 2022, a late application fee of $20.00 applies for PC renewal applications submitted from 1 December 2022, and a late application  fee of $50.00 applies for PC renewal applications submitted from 1 January 2023.

Q7. My PC application has been approved. How do I view and download the e-Certs?

A7. You will be able to view and download the e-PC that is current and valid. Once the e-PC is no longer valid, e.g. validity of e-PC has expired, you will no longer be able to view/download it.

To view and download your valid e-PC, please follow the steps below:
(a) Log in to the Professional Registration System (PRS) here
(b) At the left menu, click “Administration” followed by “View Certificates”
(c) Click on the hyperlink under “PC Period” 
View Certificates
d) The e-PC would then display in a pop-up window:
• For most mobile device users, the e-PC should download and display automatically;
• For laptop/computer uses, please follow instructions on your internet browser to view and download a copy of the e-PC.

Q8. I have made payment for my PC renewal. How can I obtain a receipt?

A8. To print your receipt, log in to the PRS and follow the steps below:
(v) Select “Application”,
(vi) Select “Enquire Applications”, 
(vii) Search for your PC application number, 
(viii) Print receipt under the “Remarks” column. 

Inactive Practice

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Q1. What should I do if I wish to stop practising temporarily?

A1. Dentists on Full Registration and OHTs who have no intention to engage in active practice of dentistry (for reasons such as pursuing higher education or accompanying spouses overseas etc.) may allow their PC to lapse after the expiry date. Dentists on Full Registration and OHTs who did not renew their PCs will be automatically placed on Did-Not-Apply-License (DNAL) status. 

Under section 20(2) of Dental Registration Act (DRA), dentists on Full Registration and OHTs are allowed to stay “On” register for a period of up to 5 years before SDC  removes their names from the Register.

Q2. What should I do if I wish to return to active practice?

A2. (i) Dentists who have been on inactive practice for less than 5 years

• For Division I dentists
Minimum of 18 CPE points with 20% core requirement and at least 13 verifiable CPE points must be accumulated within the last 6 months before starting active practice.

• For Division II dentists 
Minimum of 9 CPE points with 20% core requirement and at least 7 verifiable CPE points must be accumulated within the last 6 months before starting active practice.

Dentists are required to submit their CPE verifications via PRS before submitting the “Return from DNAL application” to the Singapore Dental Council to activate their practising certificates.

(ii) Dentists who have been on inactive practice for more than 5 years and whose names have been removed from Register

Dentists who have been on inactive practice for more than 5 years and removed from the Register would need to apply for restoration to the Register. They are required to submit the CPE requisites as spelt out above via PRS before applying for restoration via PRS.

(iii) OHTs who have been on inactive practice for less than 5 years
• For OHTs
Minimum of 9 CPE points with 20% core requirement and at least 7 verifiable CPE points must be accumulated within the last 6 months before starting active practice.

OHTs are required to submit their CPE verifications via PRS before submitting the “Return from DNAL application” to the Singapore Dental Council to activate their practising certificates.

(iv) OHTs who have been on inactive practice for more than 5 years and whose names have been removed from Register

OHTs who have been on inactive practice for more than 5 years and removed from the Register would need to apply for restoration to the Register. They are required to submit the CPE requisites as spelt out above via PRS before applying for restoration via PRS.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) – For Dentists and OHTs

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Q1. What are the CPE requirements?

A1. Division I dentists are required to fulfil 70 CPE points within a Qualifying Period (QP) of 2 years. Out of the 70 points required, at least 20% must be core points (i.e., 14 points) and at least 50 points must be from verifiable activities. 

Division II dentists and OHTs are required to fulfil 35 CPE points within a QP of 2 years. Out of the 35 points required, at least 20% (i.e., 7 points) must be core points and at least 25 points must be from verifiable activities.

Q2. What is the Qualifying Period to fulfil my CPE requirements?

A2. The QP is 2 years. 
Example: For Dentist PC renewal exercise in October 2021, the QP will be from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2021.
For OHT PC renewal exercise in October 2022, the QP will be from 1 October 2020 – 30 September 2022.

Q3. How do I claim points for CPE?

A3. Please log in to PRS and submit your CPE claims under “Submit CPE claims”.  
Each QP will be for 2 years. You will not be able to submit an application for PC renewal if you did not fulfil your CPE and BCLS requirements.

Q4. How do I view my CPE report? How do I monitor my CPE points and view my CPE report?

A4. Log in to the SDC Professional Registration System using your Singpass ID and password. 
 (i) Select ‘CPE’,
(ii) Select ‘Monitoring of CPE’ to check the number of CPE points accumulated, and 
(iii) Select ‘Detailed Report for Current QP’ 
The CPE report for the current qualifying period will be shown.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) – CPE Providers

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Q1. Can I apply to be an ad-hoc CPE Provider?

A1. Since 1 May 2019, SDC has stopped accepting ad-hoc provider applications. All existing ad-hoc providers’ status will cease at the expiry of their current validity. Providers that do not fall under the revised types of accredited providers are required to co-organise CPE events with an Accredited provider if they are keen to apply for accreditation of CPE points for their events. The Accredited provider will be responsible to submit the application for event accreditation at least 1 month prior to the event and submit attendance within 1 month after the event.  

Please refer to the SDC’s website for a list of accredited providers.

Cessation of Ad-hoc Providers’ Validity and Status 
Since 1 May 2019, there is only one Category of Providers – “Accredited”. 
Applications to be an accredited provider apply to the following, 
o Public Healthcare Institutions and Hospitals
o Dental Societies and Associations 
o Private Healthcare Institutions
o Dental Clinics

All healthcare institutions, hospitals and clinics must be licensed by Ministry of Health (MOH) under the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics (PHMC) Act to be eligible to apply as CPE providers.

Q2. What do I need to fulfil as an accredited provider?

A2. i. Administration
Accredited providers should assign an administrator to handle the necessary administrative responsibilities. He/ She will be responsible for the submission of event accreditation applications and attendance on PRS. He/ She will become the point of contact with the SDC.

ii. Submission of Event
Accredited Providers have to submit their events on PRS at least 1 month before the event starts. It is encouraged that the events be submitted as early as possible.

iii. Attendance Record
The attendance record must adhere to the following:
Attendance must be taken at the beginning of each session/ activity. A column for DCR number and signature for verification must be included in the attendance list. Providers have to ensure that the DCR number is clearly written by the dental professional; otherwise, no CPE points will be awarded for the dental professional.

To ensure that the dental professionals who have attended the activity will be accredited with the points he/she deserves, the attendance record must be submitted to the SDC via PRS by the following deadlines:

a. Category 1A activities: within 1 month after the end of every session
b. Category 1B activities: within 1 month from the last day of event

Important: Attendance records need not be submitted to the SDC. However, providers are required to keep the hardcopy/electronic records of attendance for a minimum of 4 years and must be available upon request by the SDC for audit purposes.

iv. Renewal of Provider Status 
The accredited provider status is valid for a period of 2 years. The criteria for renewal are as follows: 
• At least 15 event hours in 2 years (including co-organised events)
• At least 10 registered dental professionals for each event (excluding speakers)
• Content of event should not solely be for the purpose of promoting any products
• Display every event on SDC’s event Calendar

Q3. How do I apply to be an accredited provider?

A3.CPE Providers that wish to apply to be an accredited CPE provider must:
• Review and ensure that they have met the eligibility for accreditation.
• Complete the online application form via this link.
• Attach a business profile and submit the completed form.
• The processing time is approximately 2 weeks. Providers will receive the application outcome via email. 
Please also note that the  provider must be a locally registered company with a Corppass account and the account holder(s) must have a Singpass account

Q4.I am an accredited provider. What do I need to take note when applying for accreditation of CPE points for my CPE event?

A4. You are required to apply for event accreditation on PRS at least 1 month before the start of the event. You must attach the CVs of all speakers and programme outline with time allocation of each activity/topic, including breaks (if any). There must not be any indicative CPE points on programme outline and/or any other publicity materials prior to SDC’s approval.

Q5. I did not submit my application 1 month before the CPE event. Is there any waiver of this application requirement of at least 1 month?/ If I am not able to submit the application for my event at least 1 calendar month prior to the start of the event due to some operational uncertainties (e.g., lack of manpower, change of staff etc.) can exceptions be made for this late application?

A5. No appeals for late applications will be considered. You have to comply with the application requirement and submit your application for event accreditation at least 1 month prior to the event.

Q6. I do not have the required supporting documents; can I submit application for my event on PRS first?

A6. No, please submit your application for accreditation of event only when you have gathered all supporting documents, (1) CVs of all speakers and (2) programme outline with time allocation of each activity/topic, including breaks (if any). Please note that applications with incomplete information will not be processed.

Q7. If I am not able to submit the application for my event at least 1 calendar month prior to the start of the event due to some operational uncertainties, can exceptions be made for this late application?

A7. No appeals for late applications will be considered. You have to comply with the application requirement and submit your application for event accreditation at least 1 month prior to the event.

Q8. I have printed the CPE points on the programme outline/publicity materials for my event before seeking SDC’s approval. What should I do?

A8. Please remove all indicative CPE points and re-submit the relevant supporting documents to SDC.

Supervisory Matters – Dentists under Conditional Registration and Oral Health Therapists (OHT) under Part II of the Register of OHT

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Q1. Can I view my assessment reports?

A1. Assessment reports are strictly confidential. Only your supervisors are allowed to access the reports. Supervisees should arrange with the supervisors and have regular appraisals and discussions to review his /her performance and take remedial measures to improve the areas of concerns where necessary and to ensure that patient safety is not compromised.

Q2. How many registered practice addresses am I allowed to have?

A2. Conditionally registered dentists and Part II OHTs are only allowed to work at a maximum of two practice places. This is to ensure adequate on-site supervision and patient safety.

You are required to be supervised by 2 supervisors in every practice place, one principal and one secondary. If you are practising at 2 practice places, you must have a total of 4 supervisors overseeing your clinical practice. To illustrate, if your principal supervisor at practice place A is away for a short period and you cannot practise at practice place B with your secondary supervisor, there will be a covering supervisor at practice place A to oversee the short period.  All supervisors must be approved by the SDC. You must not commence dentistry practice until your have received the official notification that your nominated supervisors have been approved by the SDC.

Q3. What happens if any of the supervisors is away?

A3. In the event that the approved supervisor(s) is/are away (“away” is defined as on official leave/medical leave/reservist), the following guidelines would apply:

If one approved supervisor is away, the second approved supervisor must step in and supervise the supervisee. If the available approved supervisor is unable to supervise the supervisee at all times or if the supervisor is away for more than 30 days, the employer/clinic must  nominate a replacement supervisor for SDC’s approval. 

If both approved supervisors are concurrently away but for less than 30 days, the employer/ clinic must ensure that other Division 1 dentists with more than 5 years post Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) experience are assigned to oversee the supervisee’s practice and patient care.

If both approved supervisors are away for more than 30 days, the employer/ clinic must nominate two new supervisors for SDC’s  approval at least two weeks before the start of the leave period.

Q4. What are the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor?

A4. The supervisor must:
• always be present on-site when the supervisee is practising at the approved practice place(s)
• update SDC on the practice place(s) details as and when there are changes
• agree with the supervisee & employer on the period of supervision, scope of review and place(s) of practice
• provide proper professional guidance and training to the supervisee
• conduct periodic discussions with the supervisee and audit the supervisee’s case notes to review his or her competencies, practice and progress
• ensure that the supervisee’s conduct and practice adheres to the Dental Registration Act and Regulations and SDC Ethical Code & Ethical Guidelines (ECEG)
• report to SDC immediately if the supervisee is considered unsafe to practise
• exercise due diligence and complete the assessment reports on time
• ensure there are adequate time for supervision of the supervisee
• be responsible on the quality of clinical care provided by the supervisee to the patients
• only delegate tasks within the scope of competency and capability of the supervise; and
• maintain a professional relationship with the supervisee that aligns with the guidelines in the Ethical Code of Conduct

Please note that the supervisory report will determine if the conditionally registered dentist is able to perform his/her duties satisfactorily and practise safely and independently. The supervisor should exercise due diligence when completing the report for the dentist under his/her charge. Please complete every section of the report. In the event that a supervisor is unable to continue his/her supervisory duties for the full period of conditional registration, he/she should inform SDC  immediately and SDC  will write to the clinic to re-nominate a new supervisor.

Q5. What are the roles and responsibilities of a supervisee?

A5. A supervisee should:
• comply with the Dental Registration Act and Regulations and SDC Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines
• practise within the limits of his/her competency while under supervision at all times
• agree with the supervisor(s) on the period of supervision, scope of review and place(s) of practice
• promptly update SDC on the change of practice place(s) details as and when there are changes
• make effort to ensure that the agreed period of supervision and scope of review with the supervisors take place
• seek assistance or guidance from supervisors when in doubt
• inform the supervisors immediately of any procedural errors
• have periodic discussions with the supervisor to review performance on quality of dental care
• maintain a professional relationship with the supervisor that aligns with the guidelines in the Ethical Code & Ethical Guidelines (ECEG); and
• inform SDC  immediately when ending any employment and joining any new employment at least two weeks prior to any change

Q6. How do I submit an assessment report?

A6. • The assessment reports will be routed for supervisor’s completion every 6 months for C-reg dentist and every 12 months for Part II OHT, or whenever required.
• Supervisors may refer the Guidebook on supervision of dental practitioners on how to complete and submit the assessment report.
The Guidebook can be downloaded on the Downloads page under Registration-related Forms here.

Q7. I would like to work as a part-time ie less than 30 clinical hours per week. Do I need to seek SDC’s approval?

A7. A conditionally registered dentist or Part II OHT may practise part-time. All employment arrangements are to be discussed and determined between you and your employer. You do not need to seek SDC’s approval.

However, please note that part time clinical hours will not count towards full-time working hours requirement to apply for full registration for dentist or Part I OHT for OHT.

Please ensure that your employer submits the completed Letter of Undertaking to SDC at least 2 working weeks with the named supervisors and indicate in remarks that you are working part time and estimated hours per week at each of practice place.

Please update your particulars via PRS to “working part-time in Singapore” and indicate the number of hours you are working under each practice address in the employment details tab.

Q8. I am currently an OHT under Part II of the Register. How do I convert from Part II to Part I?

A8. You must have consistently obtained satisfactory assessment reports as a Part II OHT under the supervision of a Division I Dentist, for a total period of 5 years under full-time employment (more than 30 hours of clinical duties per week). You will need to log in to PRS to submit an application for Part I OHT.

Q9. How soon can a Conditionally Registered dentist apply for Full Registration?

A9. A dentist under Conditional Registration (C-reg) may apply for Full Registration (F-reg) after he/she has accrued at least 2 years of full-time practice under the supervision of approved supervisors.

Q10. How long is the processing time for conversion application from Conditional Registration to Full Registration?

A10. When a Conditionally Registered (C-Reg) dentist applies for Full Registration, SDC will check if the C-reg dentist has met the prevailing eligibility criteria, check that all assessment reports have been completed by the supervisors and remind them to submit outstanding reports and seek clarifications with supervisors if required.  SDC will carefully review and deliberate each application.  Upon SDC’s approval, the outcome will be emailed to the C-reg dentist and the supervisor(s) within a month from the date of SDC’s decision. The conversion process will take about 3 months. SDC requires the support from supervisors for timely processing of the C-reg dentist’s conversion to F-reg application.

Q11. Will my supervision hours during Circuit Breaker be counted into my 2-year supervision requirements for Conditionally Registered dentists?

A11. The SDC  noted the trying times during the Circuit Breaker (CB) period from April to May 2020, where most dental services were disrupted. After receiving the Full Registration application from the C-reg dentist affected by the CB period, SDC will write to the C-reg dentist to enquire whether he/she had practised full-time (at least 30 hours per week). If he/she had clocked in the full time period, he/she may submit a letter from the employer stating so and the 2 months practice period will be counted into his/her conversion requirements.

However, if the C-reg dentist confirms that he/she did not practise full-time during the CB period, his/her application will be withheld for an additional 2 months (if required) for SDC to obtain an additional 2 months of assessment reports from his/her approved supervisors.

Q12. Are the clinical hours eligible for accrual during my post graduate studies/ courses (i.e. MDS) to count towards the 2 years Conditional registration period for conversion to Full registration?

A12. Clinical hours accrued during post graduate studies/ courses (i.e. MDS) are not eligible for accrual during the period of Conditional registration to apply for Full registration application.

Aesthetic Facial Procedures

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Q1. How do I apply to perform aesthetic facial procedures?

A1. To perform aesthetic facial procedures, you must ensure that you meet the requirements as stated in the Guidelines on Aesthetic Facial Procedures for Dental Practitioners (Guidelines AFP 2021) [PDF, 210KB] in addition to complying with any other rules/conditions that are appended to your registration. 

For applications to perform Table 1 procedures, i.e. chemical peels, botulinum toxin injection, and dermal filler injection, please submit
(a) Completed Application Form [PDF, 222KB]
(b) Copy of Certificate of Competence (COC) attained within the last 12 months 
For Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons applying to perform Table 2 procedures, please submit
(a) Completed Application Form [PDF, 222KB]
(b) Copy of COC (for Table 1 procedures)
(c) Copy of AAAM Level 1 Certificate/equivalent or COC (for Table 2 procedures)
(d) Proof of relevant training/experience in the procedure applied for (for Table 2 procedures if required). For example, log book, preceptorship, HMDP attachment, etc. 

For subsequent applications to perform botulinum toxin injection and dermal filler injection, please submit the required documents (i.e., Cover sheet [PDF, 116KB] and illustration log [PDF, 100KB] or COC) together with the completed application form.

Please email your application to [Attention: Secretariat (Aesthetic Facial Procedures)] and ensure that all fields of the application form are completed and attached with the supporting documents.
Please refer to the information here for more details on application and approval.

Q2. Do I need to apply for accreditation to perform botulinum toxin injections if I am performing it for a patient’s functional purpose e.g., management of bruxism?

A2. Botox for functional purposes such as to treat myalgia and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) dysfunction is permitted for dental practitioners and does not require accreditation. However, Botox injection for cosmetic purposes will require Council’s accreditation.

Q3. Can I attend overseas courses to be accredited to perform Botox, fillers and/or chemical peels?

A3. For first accreditation to perform botox, fillers and/or chemical peels:
You are required to attend an SDC-approved course in Singapore. Please refer to the current list of accredited COC Courses and the Requirements for Courses Applying for Certificate of Competency for more information.

For subsequent accreditation to perform botox, fillers and/or chemical peels:
You can attend overseas advanced courses to be accredited to perform aesthetic facial procedures. However, you are reminded to practise within your competence. 

After you have completed the course(s), please fill in the application form and attach the relevant documents, including a copy of your course certificate(s), and submit your application to [Attention: Secretariat (Aesthetic Facial Procedures)].

Q4. Is there a list of accredited Certificate of Competence (COC) courses?

A4. Yes. Please refer to the current list of accredited COC Courses for more information.

Please note that the COC must be obtained within the last 12 months of the application (for new application) / expiry of last accreditation (for renewal).

Q5. Does the SDC  issue a certificate of accreditation? How will others verify that I am accredited to perform the procedure?

A5. Please note that presently, no certificate is issued. You may wish to keep a copy of the approval email and course certificate submitted with your application to the SDC, should anyone wish to verify the accreditation. 

Q6. Can I be re-accredited to perform Table 1 procedures (i.e., botulinum toxin injection, dermal filler injection, and chemical peels) if my previous accreditation has lapsed?

A6. If your previous accreditation to perform Table 1 procedures has lapsed less than 12 months ago, you may submit an application for re-accreditation, provided that the criterion for re-accreditation has been satisfied.

If your previous accreditation has lapsed more than 12 months ago, you are required to submit a new application and will require three cycles of approvals to be permanently accredited to perform the procedure(s).

However, please note that Council reserves the right to impose additional conditions at any time if the dental practitioner is found to have compromised patient safety and/or in breach of the SDC Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines (ECEG).
Please ensure that you submit your application for re-accreditation at least two months before the expiry date. Late applications may not be processed and approved before the expiry date.

Q7. I am a course provider seeking accreditation of my company’s aesthetic COC course. How do I apply for the accreditation and CPE points?

A7. Please ensure that the course has met the Requirements for Courses Applying for Certificate of Competency and submit the following:
(a) Programme details
(b) CVs of instructors and speakers
(c) Proof of accreditation by SDC or SMC as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider

The accreditation of the course as a COC is valid for two years. After two years, the respective course providers will need to re-apply for accreditation.

Applications should be submitted at least one calendar month before the course date. The minimum processing time is two working weeks (from date when full supporting documents are received).

Q8. I am a course provider seeking renewal of my previously approved COC course. How do I renew and apply for CPE points?

A8. Please check that there is no change to the duration, content, assessment, instructor or any other part of the course submitted in the initial application that had been approved. Should there be a change in any of the aforementioned, you will need to submit a new application.

For accreditation of event for CPE points, providers are required to login to PRS and apply for event accreditation at least one month before the start of the event. Please attach (1) CV of speakers and (2) programme outline with time allocation of each activity/ topic, including breaks (if any). 

Do note that the minimum processing time is 2 weeks (from the date the full supporting documents are received).

Complaints Against Dental Practitioners (Dentists, Specialist Dentists and Oral Health Therapists)

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Q1. Can SDC help me to assess whether there are grounds for me to lodge a complaint?

A1. The SDC is not in the position to assess whether there are grounds for an individual to lodge a complaint. Generally, the SDC will look into any written complaint that falls within the scope of section 44(1) of the Dental Registration Act that is supported by a Statutory Declaration. The complaint should contain information including all relevant document and evidence about the dental practitioner’s professional misconduct that you would like SDC to look into. For more information on how to lodge a complaint with the SDC, please refer to the SDC website here

As the service provider, the healthcare institution/clinic has the responsibility to assist in the first instance and to address your feedback. You may contact the healthcare institution/clinic first to share your concerns. This will allow the healthcare institution/clinic management to look into the matter and provide a response to your feedback.

Q2. How do I lodge a complaint against a dental practitioner?

A2. The SDC operates under the remit of the Dental Registration Act (“DRA”) in regulating the conduct of registered dental practitioners in Singapore. 

Under the DRA, if you wish to lodge a complaint against a dental practitioner, you must submit a written complaint accompanied by a Statutory Declaration (“SD”) which must be affirmed before a Commissioner for Oaths (“CO”), Notary Public (“NP”) or Justice of the Peace (“JOTP”). 

Your complaint must be type-written in English and should include the full name of the dental practitioner(s), the full facts of the case and your allegations against the dental practitioner(s) in a letter. Please refer to the Sample Template for an example when preparing your type-written complaint letter. Kindly refrain from providing the details of your complaint in the email. 

Please ensure that your full name, address, occupation, and contact details (i.e. email and contact number) are included in the SD. Kindly ensure that your CO, NP or JOTP endorses all signature fields in the SD. Once the SD has been duly affirmed / sworn, you can submit the SD and your letter of complaint via email: 

What to submit Where to submit to:
 By email The completed and signed SD form (pages 1 and 2), complaint letter; and supporting documents consolidated in one PDF file (in colour)

Attention: Professional Conduct and Professional Standard Division/ Singapore Dental Council  

SDC reserves its rights to reject all SDs that are not completed appropriately (e.g. missing fields / signatures etc.).

For more information on how to lodge a complaint with the SDC, please refer to the SDC website here.

Q3. I am a foreigner and am not residing in Singapore. How do I lodge a complaint against a dentist whom I consulted while I was in Singapore?

A3. Under the Dental Registration Act, if you wish to lodge a complaint against a dentist, you must submit a written complaint accompanied by a Statutory Declaration which must be affirmed before a Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or with other person having authority under any law for the time being in force in that country to take or receive a declaration. 

Please refer to the process elaborated in A2.

Q4. Where can I find a Commissioner for Oaths / Justice of the Peace? Is it chargeable?

A4. You may visit the Singapore Academy of Law’s website for a list of Commissioner for Oaths (“CO”) and Notary Public (“NP”) in Singapore. Alternatively, you may search for a Justice of the Peace, CO, NP or other officer empowered by law to administer oaths, affirmation or affidavits on your own. Please note that charges will apply for their service. You can refer to the Commissioners for Oaths Rules under Part II of The Schedule ‘Fees to be charged by a Commissioner for Oaths’.

Q5. Can SDC advise me on whether the treatment I received from the dental practitioner is appropriate?

A5. The SDC is unable to advise on the treatment provided by a dental practitioner. If you have concerns about the treatment you have received, you may wish to clarify with the dental practitioner/clinic first and/or seek a second opinion before deciding on your next course of action.

Q6. Can I submit a complaint against the hospital/clinic?

A6. The SDC can only consider complaints against dental practitioners and is not empowered by law to look into complaints against any healthcare institution(s).

Dental clinics and other healthcare establishments are regulated under the Healthcare Services Act by the Ministry of Health (“MOH”). You may wish to contact and address your feedback/complaints to MOH.

Q7. Can I submit a complaint without the full name of the dental practitioner?

A7. No. To facilitate the processing and investigation of the complaint, a complaint to the SDC must state the full name of the dental practitioner.

Q8. I do not have the name/full name of the dental practitioner(s). Can SDC help me to obtain the name(s)?

A8. The SDC is unable to obtain the name of the dental practitioner(s) for you and/or assist you in the drafting of your complaint. Where necessary, please contact the clinic or visit the clinic’s website to find out the full name of the dental practitioner(s). You may search for the full name of the dentist in the SDC register via the link here.

Q9. Will the dental practitioner be able to see my complaint?

A9. As part of a fair and impartial investigation, it is usually necessary for the dental practitioner to be called upon to answer any allegation(s) made against him/her. Hence, it is a legal requirement for us to furnish a full copy of your Statutory Declaration, complaint letter and supporting documents to the dental practitioner and any other person who may be called upon to assist in the investigation of the case.

Q10. Is there a deadline for me to submit the complaint?

A10. In general, a complaint should be lodged as soon as possible from the onset of   the incident for the complaint to be investigated effectively, as the relevant evidence such as dental records and witness testimonies may become unavailable or difficult to secure with the passage of time.

Q11. Can I submit my complaint without making a Statutory Declaration?

A11. Under the Dental Registration Act, your complaint must be supported by a Statutory Declaration (“SD”). All complaints received without an SD will not be processed.

Q12. Is SDC the right platform for me to obtain compensation/refund from a dental practitioner?

A12. No, the SDC is not the platform to obtain compensation. Under the Dental Registration Act, even if your complaint is found to be valid, the disciplinary framework only allows for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions against dental practitioners and cannot make an order of monetary compensation against the dental practitioner. If you intend to seek monetary compensation from the dental practitioner(s), you should seek your own independent legal advice or file a claim with the Small Claims Tribunal.

For complaints related to dentists, you may also seek the assistance of the Singapore Dental Association (“SDA”) which offers a mediation service for dental treatment-related matters as an avenue for dispute resolution between their member dentist and the public, as well as a channel for feedback and awareness. You may wish to email SDA at

Q13. My dental practitioner/clinic has charged me an amount for the medication/consultation fee/medical report. Can I ask if this amount is correct? Can they charge me this amount?

A13. The SDC does not issue guidelines on dental practitioners’ fees and charges and is not able to comment on the appropriateness of the fees charged by the dental practitioner or clinic. Clinics can set their own fees based on business decisions and SDC has no jurisdiction over them to review their pricing.

However, please note that medical clinics and healthcare establishments are regulated under the Healthcare Services Act 2020 by the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) and are required to provide itemized bills to patients prior to commencing treatment and to display common fee charges such as consultation fee for patients to make informed choices regarding their treatments. If you believe that you have been overcharged, you may wish to provide your feedback to MOH.

For complaints pertaining to a dispute or disagreement on matters relating to treatment plans or fees/bills, which are contractual matters between a patient and the dental practitioner, we would suggest that you clarify with your dental practitioner/the clinic first. You may also refer to MOH website here for the average fee for dental procedures in public institutions.

Alternatively, if you are interested in exploring mediation, you may wish to approach the Mediation Unit by MOH Holdings Pte Ltd (“MOHH”) for assistance at (65) 9116 9364 or email them at You may also visit their website for more information.

Alternatively, you may wish to seek the assistance of the Singapore Dental Association (“SDA”) which offers a mediation service for dental treatment-related matters between their member dentist and the public. You may wish to email SDA at

Q14. How long will the Complaints Committee take to look into my complaint?

A14. Given the serious nature of complaints, the Complaints Committee (“CC”) will typically take at least 9 months to complete its inquiry, depending on the complexity of the matter. For more complex complaints, the CC may take 12 months or longer to complete its inquiry.

Q15. What happens to the dental practitioner and clinic after the Complaints Committee completes its inquiry?

A15. After the Complaints Committee (“CC”) completes its inquiry, it may:

(a) Dismiss the complaint;
(b) Issue a letter of advice to the dental practitioner;
(c) Issue a letter of warning; 
(d) Make such other orders as it thinks fit (e.g. having the dental practitioner to attend specific courses or undergo further practical training); or
(e) Order a formal inquiry to be held by a Disciplinary Committee or a Health Committee.

Please note that the SDC can only mete out disciplinary action against a dental practitioner and cannot provide the following outcomes that complainants may be seeking:

(a) Monetary refund to a patient or reduction in a bill;
(b) Compensation/damages for any harm caused as a result of a dentist’s misconduct or negligence;
(c) Retrieval of dental records on your behalf;
(d) An explanation from the dentist(s) or oral health therapist(s) with regards to a treatment or procedure;
(e) An order that the dentist(s) perform a particular procedure or offer a certain treatment;
(f) An apology from the dentist(s) or oral health therapist(s) to you and/or the patient;
(g) Revocation of the license of the dentist(s) or oral health therapist(s); and 
(h) Criminal sanctions (e.g. imprisonment) against the dentist(s) and/or oral health therapist(s); and/or
(i) Sanction against the clinic.

Q16. What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint?

A16. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may appeal to the Minister for Health (MOH) within 30 days of being notified of the determination of the Complaints Committee, whose decision shall be final. You may wish to contact MOH here.

Q17. What are other avenues available for me to seek redress?

A17. As the SDC process may not be appropriate for all complaints involving healthcare issues, you may wish to consider seeking redress via other avenues listed below:

SDC process

Singapore Dental Council Election

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Q1. Who is eligible to vote?

A1. Every fully registered dentist whose name appears in the first division of the Register of Dentists and who is 
(i) A resident in Singapore; and
(ii) Has in force a practising certificate on the day of election of candidates as member of the Council.

Q2. What happens if I do not vote?

A2. If you are eligible to vote and fail to do so, you will not be allowed to apply for a Practising Certificate, unless you satisfy the Registrar with a good and sufficient reason for not voting at the election, or if you pay a penalty to the Council, as prescribed by the Council.

Q3. I am working overseas, am I still required to vote in the SDC elections?

A3. In accordance to s5(1) of the DRA, “Every fully registered dentist whose name appears in the first division of the Register of Dentists and who (a) is a resident of Singapore; and (b) has in force a practising certificate on the day of election of candidates as members of the Council referred to in section 3(2)f, shall vote for the election of such members at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed. 

Q4. How do I know more about the candidates; how do I vote for them?

A4. The candidates’ curriculum vitae and aspiration to represent the fraternity to serve the Council can be found on the website to aid in your voting process.

SDC Dental Practitioners Pledge Affirmation Ceremony

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Q1. Why do I have to attend the Pledge Ceremony? What happens at the ceremony?

A1. The Pledge Affirmation Ceremony is an annual event which serves to remind dentists and oral health therapists of their responsibilities to patients and the need to uphold high professional conduct and ethical standards throughout their careers.

Dental practitioners will affirm the Dental Practitioner’s Pledge in the presence of the Guest-of-Honour, SDC Council members, guests and peers.

The invitation is extended to all newly-registered dental practitioners (excluding Temporarily registered dental practitioners) who have yet to attend the Ceremony.

Q2. When will I receive my Pledge Certificate?

A2. The Pledge Certificate will only be emailed to dentists and oral health therapists who attended the Pledge Ceremony within 3 weeks of the Ceremony.

General Enquiries

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Q1. How do I log in to SDC’s Professional Registration System?

A1. For registered dentists, OHTs or applicants with X-number:

For Singpass users e.g. NRIC/FIN holders, please log in via Singpass and 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) using SMS or Singpass Mobile.

For non-Singpass users e.g. Passport holders, please log in via User ID, password and 2FA (using Google Authenticator [GA]).

For HR personnel or CPE providers, you will need both a Singpass user account and an existing SDC account in order to access the PRS.

Please request your Corppass Admin to create a user account for you and assign the following e-Service access:
• Government Agency: Ministry of Health (MOH)
• e-Service: Professional Registration System (PRS)

Please note that since 11 April 2021, corporate users who are logging in to government digital services for businesses (G2B) are required to use Singpass. Find out more:

Q2. I need to find a registered Dentist/Dental Hygienist/Dental Therapist/Oral Therapist. How can I do so?

A2. You can search and view the register online via “Search for registered dentist / OHT” at SDC’s website ( Registered dentists / OHTs with the SDC are listed online as long as they have a valid practising certificate.

A search may be done by either (i) entering the full name or part of the name of the dentist/OHT (ii) entering his/her Dental Registration number under ‘More Search Options’. 
The information displayed on the online register is based on timely updates by the dentists and oral health therapists themselves.  
Dentists and oral health therapists who are no longer registered with the SDC do not need to provide any updates to the SDC. As such, the SDC  does not have updates of such dentists and oral health therapists.

Q3. What is “Secretariat of healthcare Professional Boards”?

A3.With effect from 1 Jan 2020, the Singapore Dental Council (SDC) is supported by the Secretariat of healthcare Professional Boards (SPB) for its secretariat and operational functions. The registration and regulation of dental practitioners including dentists, specialist dentists, oral health therapists, continue to be governed by SDC, which retains autonomy and independence over professional and statutory matters, as provided for under the Dental Registration Act 1999.