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Restoration Procedures

This online restoration form will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Who should apply

Dentists who have been ‘off-register’ and wish to resume practise are required to apply for restoration onto the Register of Dentists.

Documents to be submitted

(A)  For restoration which requires practising certificate (PC)

Please get ready the following documents before you proceed with online application for restoration onto register:


Copy of the current annual practising licence issued by the licensing authority in the last country of practice (please ignore if your last place of practice was in Singapore).


Letter of offer of employment from prospective employer in Singapore.


Original certificate of good standing from the licensing authority in the last country of practice, with validity period of 6 months or less (please ignore if your last place of practice was in Singapore).


Certificate or letter of fitness to practice dentistry from a local Medical Practitioner. Certificate/letter to include information on current Hepatitis B* Immunisation status.


You are required to fulfil the requisite Continuing Professional Education (CPE) points:

·For Division I dentists
Minimum of 18 CPE points with 20% core requirement and at least 13 verifiable CPE points must be accumulated within the last 6 months before starting active practice.

·For Division II dentists
Minimum of 9 CPE points with 20% core requirement and at least 7 verifiable CPE points must be accumulated within the last 6 months before starting active practice.


Fees payable

(i)            Restoration Fee of $200.00 (non-refundable)

(ii)           Pro-rated practicing certificate (PC) fee of $800.00 for 2 years or part thereof.

Mode of payment

The fee may be paid through online e-payment (Visa / Mastercard / iBanking)

(B)  For restoration which does not require practicing certificate (PC)

Please get ready the following documents before you proceed with online application for restoration onto register:


Copy of the current annual practising licence issued by the licensing authority in the last country of practice (please ignore if your last place of practice was in Singapore).


Original certificate of good standing from the licensing authority in the last country of practice, with validity period of 6 months or less (please ignore if your last place of practice was in Singapore).

Fee payable

Restoration Fee of $200.00 (non-refundable)

Mode of payment

The fee may be paid through online e-payment (Visa / Mastercard / iBanking)

Processing time : At least 2 weeks starting from date when all necessary documents are received

When approval is granted, you are requested to call at SDC’s office personally bringing along the following documents for verification:

(a)  Originals of documents submitted earlier; and

(b)  Identity card/passport;