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Local Graduates

Application for Registration

Applicant must meet stipulated criteria to be eligible to apply for registration:

  1. Possess an approved opticianry or optometry qualification (please refer to List of Approved Qualificationsopens in a new window);
  2. Have an offer of employment as an optician or optometry in Singapore; and
  3. Be of good standing/reputation/character. 

All applications for registration must be submitted online via the Professional Registration System (PRS).

Prior to submit your application, please ensure that you have read and understood the instructions below: 

Instructions for Application for Registration
Click here for Instructions for Application for Registration [PDF, 250KB]
New Application for Provisional/ Conditional Registration
Form P1 [PDF, 132KB]
New Application for Full Registration
Form P1A [PDF, 105KB]

Outcome of Application

  1. We would only process the application upon successful receipt of payment and complete documentation.
  2. The Board will take a minimum of 3-4 weeks to process a standard application.
  3. If your application is approved, you will be receiving a notification from the Board via email. However, you are still required to complete the registration formalities in person before engaging in any practising opticianry/optometry.
  4. Overseas applicant is advised to time their application. If you are unable to complete the registration in time, this will result in your application being rejected.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicant shall not engage in any act of optometry or opticianry pending the approval of your application. Any breaches would constitute to an offence and may have adverse implication to your application.