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Application for Registration


Any person who desires to carry out any practice of optometry or opticianry shall make an application for registration to the Board in accordance with the regulations. Please refer to the following for details:   

Eligibility Criteria

 To register, you will need to:
1. Possess an approved opticianry or optometry qualifications) 
2. Have a job offer as an optometrist or optician in Singapore
3. Hold valid work pass (for foreigner) and have appoint a supervisor
4. Be of good reputation and character
Prescribed Fees  

The following fees must be paid upon application for registration by Credit / Debit card only:
Application for Registration (Applicable to all)
• $50 non-refundable application fee
• $200 registration fee

Application for PC (for a two-year period, as per registration category)

Optician (Dispensing)                           $260
Optician (Refraction and Dispensing)   $340
Optometrist                                           $360

For illustration purpose
, application fees applicable for registration as an Optometrist, payable at the point of registration, would be:
Application Fee                             $50
Registration Fee                           $200
Application for PC (Optometrist)   $360
Total                                              $610

Note: The validity period of the new practising certificate for Full Registration may be less than 24 months to coincide with the expiry date on 31 December of the following year to be in line with other fully registered practitioners for PC renewal.
Processing Time

1. Three to four weeks upon complete documentation and receipt of payment.
2. Outcome application will be notified through email. Successful applicant is required to complete the registration formalities in person.
3. Overseas applicant is advised to time their application. If you are unable to complete the registration in time, your application will be withdrawn.
Documents required

For All Applicants

1) A passport-sized, digital, colour photograph taken within the last 3 months Requirements: 

File Format: JPEG only (i.e. “jpg” extension)
File Size: Less than 1MB
Dimension: 400 x 514 pixels
Background: Plain white background without shadow

Copy of Identification Card:
   All documents below should be submitted in PDF format with front and back copy.

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents
Valid Work Pass (E/S Pass)
Valid Work Permit
Valid Dependent Pass (including Letter of Consent)

3) Non-Singpass user needs to submit a copy of your passport

4) Copy of all certificate/degree or diploma qualification in Optometry/Opticianry

5) Copy of Optometry/Opticianry academic transcripts (where applicable)

6) Copy of proof of completion of National Service (if any)

7) Completed Form P1 (for provisional registration) or Form P1A (for full registration)

Applicant holding existing Provisional/Conditional Registration (registered before 1 October 2020)

8) You are required to upload all the Supervisor’s Report(s) if you have not submitted any logbook previously.

9) If you are waiting for the outcome of logbook, or are eligible for further registration, you are required to submit Supervisor’s Report(s) dated from the day of logbook submission to the day before your application submitted.

10) All documents should be submitted in PDF format. Please ensure that the Supervisor’s Reports are arranged in sequence, and pages are labelled accordingly at bottom of the pages, eg. 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 etc.

11) Please collate 4 supervisor’s reports to a PDF file as there is a limit to file size for uploading to the system.

Additional Documents Required for Foreign Qualifications and/ or Overseas Practice Experience

12) Certified true copy of registration with other registering bodies (if any)

13) An original letter of verification (LV) from training institution to be emailed to OOB directly. For online verification, applicant must email the verification link and provide all details for purpose of verification.

14) Service Testimonial issued by respective former employer.

15) Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate (CGS) of Current Professional Status from licensing authority in the country of last practice (if any) to be sent directly to OOB at:

Optometrists and Opticians Board

81 Kim Keat Road
Singapore 328836

In view of the Covid-19 situation, the Optometrists & Opticians Board office premises will be temporarily closed until further notice. Therefore, please arrange for overseas authorities to email copy of CGS directly to 

Please note that any documents in foreign language shall be submitted together with the certified English translations & original copies of the documents.  

Applicant shall not engage in any act of Optometry/Opticianry pending the approval of your application. Any breaches would constitute to an offence and may have adverse implications to your application.

Types of Registration:
 If you are applying for  Documents you are required to submit
 A. Provisional/Conditional Registration 1. Download and complete Form P1 [PDF, 289KB]
2. Supporting documents stated above
3. Submit online application through PRS 

 B. Full Registration  
1. Download and complete Form P1A [PDF, 90KB]
2. Supporting documents OOB has requested
3. Submit online application through PRS 
Note: The validity period of the new practising certificate may be less than 24 months to coincide with the expiry date on 31 December of the following year to be in line with other fully registered practitioners for PC renewal.