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CPE Events Calendar

Upcoming CPE Activity (Category 1A)

1. Local CPE activities refer to course, workshop, conference or symposium conducted in Singapore.

2. For more details on upcoming CPE activities, please click the Event Calendar

3. To register for the individual CPE activity, you are required to contact person-in-charge directly or click on the registration link (if any) as stated in each event listing.

4. If you have attended local CPE activities which are organised by local approved CPE providers, you are not required to submit individual claims for the activity. The provider will submit your attendance within 14 days from the date of the activity, and the CPE points will be automatically credited to you.

5. CPE points would only be awarded to participants who have met minimum 75% attendance for the activity. 

6. In the event of any discrepancies in attendance, please clarify with the provider directly before contacting the OOB.

7. If you have attended CPE activities that are not organised by an approved provider, you may submit an application for claims under Category 1A for OOB’s review. Please note that the activity must take place during the qualifying period, kindly refer to Guide to CPE Framework for Practitioners [PDF, 202KB] for more details on how to submit such CPE claim.

8. For more details of the CPE activity that you are intending to attend, you may wish to request for the programme guide/content from the respective CPE providers.