In accordance with Section 25(6) of the Optometrists and Opticians Act (“OOA”), any person who is registered with the OOB requires a practising certificate (“PC”) to carry out the practice of optometry or opticianry.
2 Pursuant to Section 23(1) of the Optometrists and Opticians (Registration and Practising Certificates) Regulations, an application for a PC or a certified true copy shall be made in such form as the Optometrists and Opticians Board (the “Board”) may require and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee specified in the Third Schedule*.
3 When the registration of optometrists and opticians first commenced in 2008, the application fee for PC was waived to support the practitioners’ transition to a new regulation regime. Given the need for fees to keep pace with administrative costs and to align fee revisions with other healthcare professional boards, the Board has deemed it necessary to start collecting the application of PC fees going forward.
4 With effect from 1 January 2020, all applicants for registration with the Board will need to apply and pay a fee for a PC.
5 The application of PC fees is applicable to all new registration applications (new entrants or application for full registration) and repeat registration applications. The prescribed fees are as follows:
Application for Registration (Applicable to all)
Application fee $50
Registration fee $200
Application for PC (for a two-year period, as per registration category)
Optician (Dispensing) $200
Optician (Refraction and Dispensing) $280
Optometrist $300
6 For illustration purpose, application fees applicable for registration as an Optometrist, payable at the point of registration, would be:
Application fee $50
Registration fee $200
Application for PC (Optometrist) $300
Total $550
7 All relevant fees are payable upon submission of application to the Board through the Professional Registration System (PRS).
8 For clarifications, please contact the Board’s Secretariat.