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The Optometrists and Opticians Board (the “Board”) has become aware of certain practitioners expressing opinions on practice matters and publicly engaging in disputes on social media platforms. Pursuant to these incidents, the Board would like to advise all registered optometrists and opticians on the following:

Providing opinions or comments

2. Practitioners are to exercise prudence at all times when providing opinions or making comments in public media platforms, including social media.  Practitioners shall not cast aspersions on their professional peers or any other persons, or make any unsubstantiated allegations or claims regarding each other’s practice.  Such remarks could be interpreted negatively by members of public and bring disrepute to the profession.  They could even invite unwarranted civil litigation. 

Disputes between practitioners

3. Practitioners are also reminded not publicize or engage in disputes on public media. All disputes, including differences in opinions over practices, shall be settled privately.  This is to avoid projecting the wrong impression that practice values and standards among professionals are highly variable or indeterminate.  Such behaviour brings disrepute to the profession.

Use of unsubstantiated information sources or advice 

4. In addition, practitioners should exercise proper judgment and circumspection before heeding advice or using information from unofficial or dubious sources as a means to educate or advise others. The Board’s “Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Practice Guidelines” detail the recommendations and minimum standards set by the Board in specific areas of optometry and opticianry practice. These are appropriate sources of information that one could use.  You may access a copy of the guidelines from the Board’s website.

5. We look forward to your continuing commitment in providing professional eye care for the public.  For further clarification, please call the Board’s Secretariat at 6355 2533 or email