1. An election will be held from 18 April 2023 to 2 May 2023 by way of online voting to fill seven (7) vacancies in the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) arising from the expiry of the term of office for the following elected members on 8 June 2023:
i. Dr Chen Suet Ching Jeanette
ii. Dr Christopher Chong Yew Luen
iii. Dr Lim Khong Jin Michael
iv. A/Prof Ng Wei Keong Alan
v. Dr Subramaniam Suraj Kumar
vi. Dr Tay Miah Hiang
vii. Dr Wong Chiang Yin
2. You are invited to nominate not more than seven (7) fully registered medical practitioners who are resident in Singapore to stand for election. Your nomination must be made with the consent of the nominee and seconded by another fully registered medical practitioner and submitted from 1 March 2023 (9am) to 21 March 2023 (12noon).
Nomination is by Email Submission only
3. If you wish to nominate a candidate to stand for election, please email the following documents to SMC_Election@spb.gov.sg:
a) Completed Nomination Form; and
b) Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).
4. You may download the Nomination Form and the template for CV from the SMC website here or scan the QR code below:

Nomination period
5. Please submit your nominations, if any, from Wednesday, 1 March 2023 (9am) to Tuesday, 21 March 2023 (12noon) by email only.
6. Please note that late submission by email OR any submission by hand, courier, mail or fax will not be accepted.
Declaration by Nominee
7. The Nominee is required to declare that he or she is not disqualified for membership of the Medical Council under Section 8 of the Medical Registration Act 1997 (“MRA”).
8. In addition, the Nominee must indicate whether he or she is the subject of any ongoing proceeding, inquiry under the MRA or investigation by any professional body, licensing or health authority, or the police, or any other law enforcement agency, in Singapore or elsewhere.
9. The declaration is found on page 2 of the Nomination Form.
Important Matters for all doctors
10. In preparation for the upcoming election in April 2023, it is important that all doctors update your particulars (e.g. preferred email address, preferred mailing address, handphone number, residential status, employment details) in the Professional Registration System (PRS).
11. If you have any queries, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). You may email SMC_Election@spb.gov.sg for further clarification.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,