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The Singapore Pharmacy Council (SPC) launched the Compulsory Continuing Professional Education (CPE) in September 2006. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) or lifelong learning is the responsibility of individual pharmacists, necessary for updating, developing and acquiring new knowledge and skills, to ensure continuing competence as professionals throughout their careers.

It has been 10 years since Compulsory CPE was introduced. The CPE Guide, which was first published in 2006, has been revised in September 2016, coinciding with the start of the new qualifying period (1 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2018).

In the revised guide, information with regard to CPE has been updated. Frequently asked questions during the past 10 years have also been included in the CPE Guide. In addition, an updated online system user manual has been published together with the guide.

The change in the CPE points is as follows:

CPE requirement: Raise in 1B Capping

With effect from the new Qualifying Period (1 September 2016 - 31 August 2018), there will be a raise in 1B capping from 35 to 40. This is to encourage more pharmacists to attend SPC accredited events.

The revised CPE Guidebook: [PDF, 1485KB]

The new user guide to the online Professional Registration System (PRS): [PDF, 3773KB]

The hardcopy version of the revised CPE Guidebook will be sent to all pharmacists who have renewed their Practising Certificate (PC) for the 2017/2018 period.