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For Pharmacists

  1. Guide to Compulsory CPE for Pharmacists Ver (2.1)   [PDF, 1450KB]
  2. Online PRS guide for CPE claims submission  [PDF, 3773KB]
  3. List of SPC-Accredited CPE Providers
  4. List of SPC-Accepted Accreditation Agencies
  5. CPE Event Calendar (for category 1B)
  6. Online CPE Resources (for category 3A)
  7. CPE Journals & Books List (Updated June 2012) [XLS, 77KB]

Qualifying Period for CPE from 1 Sep 2024 to 31 Aug 2026

  1. The Qualifying Period (QP) for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) has began on 1 Sep 2024 and will end on 31 Aug 2026. This QP is for the renewal of Practising Certificate (PC) from 1 Jan 2027 to 31 Dec 2028. Pharmacists are encouraged to actively plan their CPE activities and start submitting their CPE claims online promptly.
  2. Pharmacists who are not working or practising any form of pharmacy may declare themselves as inactive by submitting a declaration form to SPC. Pharmacists with inactive status are required to achieve 20 CPE points for every QP. More information on inactive status declaration can be found here.
  3. Pharmacists who have resided overseas for 12 months or more and will continue their overseas residence may declare themselves as inactive if they wish to. The pre-requisites and conditions for inactive status and for reinstatement to active status is the same as mentioned in para 2.
  4. Please contact us if you need further assistance and clarifications on CPE.