Errors and Disruptions in
Examination Administration
Occasionally, problems occur in the creation, administration and scoring of examinations. For example, power failures, hardware and software problems, human errors or weather problems may interfere with some parts of the examination process. When problems occur and MOH determines that they have compromised the integrity of the examination results, MOH will provide affected candidates with an opportunity for re-examination.
Re-examination, or re-scoring if appropriate, shall be the candidate's sole remedies. Neither MOH, ABMS-S, ABMS-I, ABMS or any Member Board shall be liable for inconvenience, expense or other damage caused by any problems in the creation, administration or scoring of an examination, including the need for retesting or delays in pass/fail results reporting. In no circumstance will MOH, ABMS-S, ABMS-I, ABMS or any Member Board reduce its standards as a means of correcting a problem in examination administration.
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