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Further Information

  1. What is the Dental Specialists Register?

    With the enactment of the Dental Registration Act on 1 January 2008, dentists who wish to practise as dental specialists will be required to register with the Singapore Dental Council. Upon successful accreditation by the Dental Specialist Accreditation Board (DSAB) and subsequent registration by the Singapore Dental Council, dentists may use specialist titles in their registered specialty to practice their area of dental specialty.

  2. What are the Dental Specialties that are currently registrable on the Dental Specialist Register?

    There are currently 7 dental specialties. They are:


  3. Who can apply to become a Dental Specialist?

    Specialist accreditation by the DSAB is currently open to SDC registered dentists who fulfill the conditions set out by the DSAB. For information on registering as a dentist with the Singapore Dental Council, please click here.

  4. Is it compulsory for all specialists to be registered on the Dental Specialist Register?

    No, it is not compulsory. However, if you are not on the specialist register, you cannot legally call yourself a specialist even though you may have the necessary qualifications and experience. Please click for more information on the use of specialist titles.

  5. Will I need to restrict my practice to my registered specialty if I am on the Dental Specialist Register?

    The Dental Registration Act does not mandate any restriction of practice whether one is on the specialist register or on the Dentists register. However, restriction of practice is strongly encouraged.

  6. How can I apply to be a Dental Specialist?

    Submit the online application for dental specialist accreditation at the Singapore Dental Council websiteYou will be called up for an exit interview if you are assessed to be eligible. If your application has been successful, the Board will issue you with a letter notifying you of your successful accreditation. Upon receipt of the letter of accreditation from the Board, submit the application for registration as dental specialist online at the Singapore Dental Council website. You have to attach the letter of accreditation issued by the DSAB and pay the prescribed registration fee of $500 at the point of application submission. Please note that there will be additional fees for the exit interview.
  7. How long does it take to process my application for Dental Specialist Accreditation?

    For straightforward applications, the results of your application will reach you in approximately 3 months from the close of the application deadline. Applications that require further deliberation and/or information may take a longer time to process.

  8. I have applied for Dental Specialist Accreditation but have not been successful in my application. May I reapply?

    Unsuccessful applicants who do not meet the conditions set by the DSAB may appeal to the Board for reconsideration.

  9. Is there any Recertification Criteria?

    Recertification or maintenance of competency is still under discussion but it has been proposed that it be done 10 years after the first registration. The Dental Specialist Assessment Committees will recommend to the DSAB the requisites for the maintenance of competency.

  10. Will more Dental Specialties be registrable in the future?

    Yes, more Dental Specialties will be considered and added to the current list of Dental Specialties as the demands and relevance of the dental profession progresses and develops.

  11. Where can I seek help for more information on Dental Specialist Accreditation?

    Should you require further assistance regarding dental specialist accreditation, please email us at or call (65) 6355 2408.